
Showing posts with the label Lungo

Beverages: Nespresso

Nespresso Nespresso is convenient and made easy to enjoy a cup of decent coffee with a push of a button. Compare to an espresso machine...  mid to high-end espresso machine yield an amazing coffee bean aroma and silky smooth coffee if done right.  But, the espresso machine maintenance and cleaning are not for my demand work schedule and non-early bird person.  In fairness, I choose Nespresso for quality coffee, quick and easy to manage and fit my lifestyle and counter space.  In addition, I liked the ever-changing Nespresso pods in different colors and flavor. 21 Grand Crusv Intenso Ristretto 25ml or Espresso 40ml x5 flavors Kazaar 12 Dharkan 11 -Ristretto 10 -Arpeggio 9 Roma 8 Espresso 40ml x4 flavors ♥️Livanto 6 Capriccio 5 Volluto 4 Cosi 3 Pure Origin x3 flavors Indriya India Ristretto 25ml 10 ♥️Rosabaya Columbia Espresso 6  Dulsao Brasil Espresso 4 flavors Lungo 110ml x3 flavors Fortissio 7 Vivalto 4 Linizio 4 Decaffeinato x3 flav