
Showing posts with the label Asian

Recipe: Stir Fried Swamp Ee 紅燒黃蟮

Stir Fried Swamp Eel 紅燒黃蟮 Ingredients: Swamp Eel 炒黃蟮 2lbs Kosher Salt 5Tsp Garlic 8 cloves minced Ginger 4 slices minced Green Onion 3 bundles Cooking Oil 4Tsp Seasoning 1: Bean Paste  1/2Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 2Tsp Soy Sauce 2 1/2Tsp Hoi Sin Sauce 1 1/2Tsp Seasoning 2: Hot Water 1cup Rock Sugar 1Tsp or 4 small dice Cooking Wine 2Tsp Red Pepper Flakes 1tsp Corn Starch + Water Mixed 1Tsp each Method: Throughly rinse and clean swamp eel until not bloody anymore. Cut eel into approximately 2" long chucks and or into 2" long and skinny strips, if not already done so by fish monger. Drain eel and place them into a plastic bag.  Add up to 5 Tsp of Kosher salt to eel.  Close/seal the bag and rubbed the eel from the outside of the bag.  This will clean the eel's skin. After rubbing and cleaning the eel skin for a couple minutes, rinse and drain the eel.  The cleaned eel should be shinny and not bloody.  Set aside. Minced 8 cloves of garlic and 4 piece

Recipe: Black Pepper Pork Chop

Black Pepper Pork Chop Ingredients: Pork Chops 5 slices thick cut Sweet Yellow Onion 2 sliced Fresh Grounded Black Pepper Garlic 4 cloves minced Shallot 1 minced Oil 3Tsp Oil 1tsp Pork-Chop Marinate: Fresh Grounded Black Pepper ~1tsp Salt 1tsp Five Spice 1/2tsp Black Pepper Sauce Seasoning: Fresh Grounded Pepper 1/4tsp Sugar 1tsp Salt 1/4tsp Oyster Sauce 1Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 1/2tsp (optional) Cooking Wine 1Tsp Corn Starch 2tsp and Water 2tsp Water 200ml Method: Rinse and padded dry the pork chop. Cut slits on the outer edge of pork chop to avoid cutlet to cured up when cooking. Marinate the pork chops with a generous amount of freshly grounded pepper, 1tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of Five Spice.  Set aside. Add 2 Tsp of oil to frying pan over medium-high heat. Add sliced sweet yellow onion into the pan and stir-fried over medium heat for approximately 7 minutes or until soft in texture. Remove onion onto a plate.  Set aside. In the same pan, add 2 Tsp of oi

Recipe: Japanese Soba Cold Noodle and Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce)

Japanese Soba Cold Noodle and Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce)  Serve 1 Ingredients: Soba Noodle 1 bundle Green Onion 1 bundle chopped Nori 1 piece Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce) for cold noodle or tempura Ingredients: 2:2:1 Soy Sauce: Mirin: Sake 1/2 cup Soy Sauce 1/2 cup Mirin 1/4 cup Sake Handful of Bonito Method to Make Ten-Tsuyu: Mix all ingredients together in a small pot. Bring it to a boil and turn off the heat. Cover the pot and let it cool completely before draining the bonito. Ready to use or store in a container up to a week. Before serving with cold noodle, mix 1 part men-Tsuyu with 2 part water. Method to make Cold Noodle: Follow the soba noodle package instruction to cook 1 bundle of soba. Prepare diluted Men-Tsuyu for dipping use. Add chopped green onion in the dipping sauce. Add shredded nori on top of cold soba. Ready to serve.

Recipe: Pork Chop in Sweet and Sour Tomato Onion Sauce 鮮茄洋蔥豬扒 ++++

Pork Chop in Sweet and Sour Tomato Onion sauce 鮮茄洋蔥豬扒  Ingredients: Pork Chop 2 to 3 pieces  Note:  Used thick cut pork chop in this recipe Yellow Onion 2 Note:  I love onion.  A normal recipe will use about 1 1/2 medium size onion. Tomato 1 large cut in bite size or 1 can  Tomato Paste 1tsp (optional) Green Onion 1 chopped spring (optional) Pork Chop Seasoning: Salt and Pepper Soy Sauce 1tsp White Pepper 1tsp Cooking Wine 1Tsp Oil 1 1/2 to 2 Tsp Worcestershire Sauce 1tsp Oyster Sauce 1tsp Sauce: Ketchup 2 Tsp Sugar 1tsp Vinegar 2tsp 1 1/2tsp Soy Sauce Corn Starch 1/2tsp Tomato Juice/Water 1cup Method: Cut onion into slices. Use a paper towel to dry off the pork chops. Use a meat pounder to pound on both sides of the pork chops. Cut a single silt in the center edge on each pork chop.  So, it will not curl up when cooking. Season the pork chops with the seasoning for about 20 minutes. Prepare a frying pan and heat it with 1 1/2 Tsp of oil on medi

Recipe: Green Mung Beans Seaweeds Dessert 不軟吧吧的海帶綠豆甜湯+++++

Green Mung Beans Seaweeds Dessert  不軟吧吧 的 海帶綠豆甜湯 Ingredients: Green Mung Beans 150g Kombu/Dried Seaweed 50g Tapioca Pearls 1/4 cup (optional) Crystal Sugar 100g Water 6.5 cups Water 6.5 cups Water 3 cups Method: Rinse and drain green mung beans and set it aside. Soak kombu in tap water and ensure they are submerged. Add 6.5 cups of water in a heavy-bottom pot and bring it to boil. Once water is boiling, add green mung beans and let it boil over medium heat without lid for 30 minutes. Remove brown bubbles as they surface in the pot. 30 minutes later, cover the pot with lid and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and remove cooked green mung beans and set aside.  The texture of the green mung beans should be soft or split but not mushy. Remove kombu and cut them into long bite size pieces and set aside. In the heavy-bottom pot, bring another 6.5 cups of water to a boil and add cooked green mung beans and kombu to cook for 8 minutes over medium-high heat. In another po

Recipe: Braised Beef Shank and Tendon 滷牛腱牛筋 (半筋半肉) ++++

Braised Beef Shank and Tendon 滷牛腱牛筋 (半筋半肉) Ingredients: Beef Shank 滷牛腱 1 piece/條 Beef Tendon 牛筋 1 piece/條 Oil 1 Tsp Ginger slices 10 slices Green Onion 4 springs Star Anise 八角 2 pieces/個 Cinnamon Sticks 肉桂條 2 sticks/條 Rock Sugar 1 medium size Hot Water 1/4 cup Soy Sauce 100cc Salt 1 tsp ShaoXing Cooking Wine 100cc Method: Cut ginger into thick slices and cut green onion into 3" sections and set aside. In a mid-size heavy bottom pot (i.e fits and allow beef shank to submerge), add 1 Tsp of oil over medium heat. Add ginger slices into the pot to stir fried until fragrant. Add green onion in to stir fried. Add star anise and cinnamon sticks in to stir fried. Add rock sugar in to stir fried until dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of hot water into pot. Add 1/2 cup of soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt, 100 cc of ShaoXing cooking wine and stir slightly to incorporate.  The braise liquid should look like a regular brew tea color. Put beef shank and ten

Recipe: Winter Apple and Pear Clear Drink/Soup

Winter Apple and Pear Clear Soup 燉蘋果雪梨乾無花果水 Serves 4 This soup moisturizes inside and outside of the body. Ingredients: Apples  蘋果  2 Pear  雪梨  1 Dried Figs  無花果 6 南杏 1/2 Tsp 北杏 1/2 Tsp Hot Water  熱水  9 cups Methods: Preheat oven to 350F Bring the 9 cups of water to a boil in a large LC Wash and Peel the apples and pear Remove the core and cut into uniform big pieces, set aside RInse the  Dried Figs,  無花果,  南杏 and  北杏 and set aside Turn off the heat and add all ingredients to the large LC carefully Cover with lid and put the large LC into the oven for 1.5 hours Soup should be clear and deliciously sweet Ready to serve hot or cold

Recipe: Stir-Fried Beef and Tomatoes+++

Stir Fried Beef and Tomatoes Ingredients: Beef Skirt Steak 3/4lb Tomatoes 2 Yellow Onion 1 small Green Onion 1 spring Cooking Oil 3-4 Tsp Beef Marinate: Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Cooking Wine 1 Tsp White Pepper 1 dash Baking Soda 1/4 tsp Mix well before adding the following Corn Starch 1 tsp and Water 1 tsp Mix well before adding the following Egg White 1 Seasoning: Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 2 Tsp Oyster Sauce 1 Tsp Cooking Wine 1 Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp White Pepper 1 dash Sesame Oil 1/2 tsp Methods: Cut onion and tomatoes (skin off is optional) into bite-size, clean and diced green onion Cut beef into bite-size across the grain Add and mix all seasoning for beef and set aside for 20 minutes Mix seasoning for stir fired use Add 3 Tsp of oil into a frying pan over medium-high heat Add beef into seared both sides for approximately 1 minute and remove from pan and set aside Add onion in the pan to stir-fried for 1 minutes and add tomatoes into

Recipe: Chinese Steamed Whole Fish

Chinese Steam Fish Ingredients: Gutted Fish ~1lb Green Onion 3 springs Ginger 4 slices julienne Ginger 4 slices Sea Salt 1/2 tsp on each side White Pepper 1/2 tsp Cooking Oil 1 Tsp Cooking Oil 3 Tsp Homemade Fish Sauce or Use bottle Fish Sauce: Soy Sauce 2 Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp Chicken stock/broth 2 Tsp Note:  Pre-made fish sauce can be purchased at any Asian grocery store.  It usually stocks with the oyster sauce aisle. Methods: Padded dry the gutted fish from the market inside and out Slit open the fish body in the center area for easy cooking (I keep my 1lb fish without any slit because it is not a big fish and the center part should be cooked easily) Julienne slices of ginger and green onion Cut 1 1/2 spring of green onion (green and white parts) into 2-3" section Add water into steamer and turn on the heat until steaming Put sections of green onion into the steaming dish/plate Sprinkle 1/2 tsp of sea salt on each side of the fi

Recipe: 老少平安 Steam Fish Paste and Tofu

老少平安 Steam Fish Paste and Tofu Ingredients: Tofu 1 package Fish Paste 1/2lb Green Onion 2 springs diced Seasoning: Salt 1/4tsp White Pepper 1 dash Corn Starch 1 Tsp Cooking Oil 1 tsp Dressing Mixture: Warm Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Warm Sesame Oil 1/2 tsp Methods: Drain and rinse the tofu Steam the tofu for 1 minute to extract the excess water Use a fork/spoon to mesh down the tofu Add all seasoning into fish paste and start stirring and mixing in one-direct for about 1 minute or until incorporated but do not over mix Add tofu into seasoned fish paste and mix in one-direct for about 1 minute or until incorporated but do not over mix Bring the steamer to boiling Grease the steaming plate with some oil and add the mixture evenly into the plate and do not overcrowded for uneven cooking When water is boiling, place fish paste tofu mixture dish into steamer and steam for 12 minutes on medium high heat Turn off the heat and add green onion on top and cover for 30 se

Recipe: Lazy Red Oil Wonton 紅油炒手

Lazy Red Oil Wonton 紅油炒手 Ingredients: Premade Precook Wonton 12 pcs Tips:  Wonton from Costco Boiling Water Seasoning: Soy Sauce 3 Tsp Sesame Oil 1/2  1/2 Tsp Sugar 1/2 tsp Minced Ginger 1/2 Tsp Crushed Peanuts 1 Tsp Celery 2 Tsp Chili Oil 2 Tsp Methods: Mix all seasoning together and set aside Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add the wonton in to cook for 2 minutes Stir lightly and remove and drain wontons from boiling water Add wontons into the seasoning and slightly mix them together Serve as its OR Pour the seasoned wontons into a shallow dish and add cooked vegetable around the dish to serve

Recipe: Clean Cold Konnyaku 蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl

Cleans Cold Konnayku  蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl Serve 1 Ingredients: Yam Thread ( Konnayku ) 1 pack Strips of Meat e.g Leftover Chicken, Steak cut into small bite size strips Cucumber and or Cherry Tomatoes Few Slices Green Onion Diced Some Dressing: Grated Ginger 1/4 tsp Cooking Wine 1/2 Tsp Soy Paste 1/2 Tsp Salt Tiny Dash Peanut Butter 1 Tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White Vinegar 1 Tsp Sugar 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil 1/4 tsp Finely Chopped Garlic 1/2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed 1 tsp (Optional) Methods: Open the Yam Thread package and rinse it 2-3 times and drain Bring a small pot of water to a boil and added the Yam Thread bundles in Turn the heat off to medium and let it blanch for 1 minutes Remove and rinse the bundles in cold water, drain and set it into the refrigerator Mix the seasoning well in a serving bowl and set aside Cut the meat into bite size strips and mix well with 1-2 spoonful of seasoning Plating: Take the cold bundle

Recipe: Bún Thįt Núóng Vietnamese Cold Rice Noodle with BBQ Chicken 越南BBQ雞撈檬 (5+)

Bún Thįt Núóng Vietnamese Cold Rice Noodle 越南BBQ雞撈檬 Serve 1 Ingredients: Rice Vermicelli 2 bundles Lettuce Leaf 4 leaves (Julieann) BBQ Chicken 1 breast (sliced) Thai Basil 1 branch (Julieann) Bean Sprout 1 hand full Dried Shallot 1 tsp Green Onion 1 spring (chopped) Dipping Sauce (Ratio:  1:1:5 but I changed it to 1:1:1:4) 1 Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp Fish Sauce 1 Tsp Vinegar 4 Tsp Water 1 Small Lime Juice 1 tsp diced Garlic 1 dash of Red Pepper Flakes Methods: Cook the rice vermicelli per the package instruction (e.g. add it to boiling water and cook for 4 minutes) Rinse the cooked vermicelli in cold water to stop cooking, then drain and set aside Mix dipping sauce in a small bowl taste to adjust and set aside In a large noodle bowl, put half of the julienned lettuce in and following by the drained vermicelli, and add the rest of the lettuce. To plate, put the chicken slices on top and followed by bean sprout (I don't have this ingredient today), and basil. S

Recipe: Crushed Cucumber Appetizer 拍黄瓜

Crushed Cucumber Appetizer   拍黄瓜 Ingredients: 2 English Cucumber 1 Tsp Salt Seasoning: 5 cloves of Garlic diced 2 Tsp Black Vinegar 1 Tsp Soy Sauce Paste 2 Tsp Sugar 1 Dried Red Pepper chopped 1 tsp Sesame Oil 1 tsp Toasted Sesame Seeds Methods: Wash and wipe the cucumber. Cut off the top and bottom part of the cucumbers and use a rolling pin or the side of a cleaver to crush the cucumber. If prefer to cut the cucumber in chuck, that is totally fine.  Smashing the cucumber is for the organic look.  Otherwise, break the crushed cucumber by hands into large bite size. Put the cucumber pieces in a medium size mixing bowl and add 1 Tsp of salt to mix Let the salted cucumber sit for approximately 10 minutes to extract water to create crunchiness.  Mix the seasoning and set aside. Discard the cucumber water, rinse cucumber and drain well and padded dry before mixing in the seasoning. Plate the cucumber and add toasted sesame seed to serve.

Recipe: LC Steamed Salty Chicken 蒸鹽水雞

LC Steamed Salty Chicken 蒸鹽水雞 Ingredients: Chicken Breast 2 slices Green Onion 1 brunch cut into 1" long pieces Ginger 2-3 thinly slices Cabbage (optional) 1 leaf Seasoning : Cooking Wine 1 Tsp Salt 3/4 tsp Methods: Rub seasoning all over the chicken breasts and let it seasons for 30 minutes After 30 minutes, padded dry the chicken and put chicken breasts on top of green onion and ginger slices into LC Add 1/4 cup of water into LC and cook over medium heat until the water boiled Once water is boiled, remove the residue (protein) from surface (if any) Turn to low heat and cover with lid for 7 minutes Turn off heat, do NOT open the lid and let it sit for 5-10 minutes Remove chicken breasts from LC and cut it into bite size Serve over cabbage/vegetable Note:  For chicken tight, skip the 1/4 cup of water.  Instead, add oil slowly to heat and cook.

Recipe: Chicken Legs and Mixed Mushrooms Soup 雞腿雜菇湯 +++

Chicken Legs and Mixed Mushrooms Soup 雞腿雜菇湯 Cooking time:  Approximately 1 hour 20 minutes This is a very simple clear chicken soup. Ingredients: Chicken Drumsticks 2 legs Enoki Mushroom 1 pack Button Mushroom sliced 4 counts Ginger 3 slices Green Onion diced 1 brunch Cilantro 1 branch Cooking Wine 1 tsp Salt some Oil 1 tsp (Optional) Water 3 cups Methods: Bring a pot of cold water and add the two chicken drumsticks on a medium heat Remove chicken drumsticks when the water started to boil and rinse with cold water In a clay pot, place the chicken drumsticks in and add 3 cups of water, 2 slices of ginger to a boil Add 1 tsp of cooking wine and tune heat to low and cook for 1 hour with lid on (Optional to fried the mushrooms)  In a frying pan, add 1 tsp of oil on medium heat and add green onion and ginger to stir fried until fragrant Add all mushroom slices into stir fried and cook until 80% cook and remove from heat Remove mushroom from fry

Recipe: 菠菜豬肉蝦丸湯

菠菜豬肉蝦丸湯 Ingredients: Spinach Grinned Pork 70 gram Lightly Chopped Shrimp 10 counts Chopped Cilantro 1 branch Minced Ginger 2 slices for pork; 2 slices for soup Diced Green Onion 1 branch Soy Sauce 1 tsp Pepper Corn Powder 1 gram Tapioca Starch 1 tsp Star Anise 八角 1 count White Pepper 1 dash Salt 1 tsp Methods: Clean and rinse spinach Cook spinach quickly and soak in cold water to stop cooking Rinse spinach and set aside Add diced green onion, minced ginger, 1 tsp soy sauce and pepper corn powder into grinned pork to mix Add chopped shrimps and cilantro into grinned pork mixture with 1 tsp of tapioca starch Mix very well to incorporate the mixture to create stickiness Make meat balls and set aside In a clay pot, add water to a boil Add 2 slices of ginger, star anise, white pepper and salt in the clay pot Taste to adjust Turn heat to low before adding the meat balls in to ensure wholesome structure Once all meat balls are in the clay pot, turn heat to medium

Recipe: 上湯菠菜

上湯菠菜 Ingredients: Spinach 6 whole brunches Century Egg 1 Wolf berry 枸杞子 20 counts Diced Garlic 2 cloves Julianne Ginger 1 slice Salt  2 tsp Sugar 1 tsp White Pepper A dash Corn Starch 2 tsp Water 2 tsp Oil 1 tsp Chicken Broth 1/2 cup Methods: Clean and rinse spinach Plate cooked spinach on serving plate Soak the wolf berries in warm water for 5 minutes, then rinse and drain and set aside Steam century egg for 8 minutes Once century egg is cool to handle, cut it into small cubes In a pan, add 1 tsp of oil on medium heat Once pan and oil is hot, add ginger and garlic to stir fried until fragrant Add wolf berries and century egg cubes to stir fried lightly Add 1/2 cup of chicken broth, salt and white pepper to cook for about 2 minutes Turn off heat and add the corn starch and water mixture in to incorporate Pour the mixture onto the spinach Serve

Recipe: Spinach and Wood Ear Appetizer 菠菜木耳開胃菜

Spinach and Wood Ear Appetizer 菠菜木耳開胃菜 Ingredients: Spinach 2 hand full Dried Wood Ear 1/2 hand full Oil 1 tsp Seasoning: Diced Garlic 3 cloves Soy Sauce 1/2 tsp Dark Vinegar 1/2 tsp Salt pinch Sugar pinch Sesame Oil some Methods: Wash, drain spinach Bring a pot of water to boil and add 1 tsp of oil and spinach to cook quickly Turn off heat and remove cooked spinach Soak cooked spinach in ice bath to stop cooking Drain and set spinach aside Soak wood ear in water for approximately 15 minutes Drain wood ear and trim woody parts if any and cut into bite size Mix all seasoning together Plate spinach and wood ear and add seasoning to serve

Recipe: Beef and Daikon Clear Soup ++++

Beef and Daikon Clear Soup aka Soegogi-muguk or  蘿蔔 牛肉 湯 Ingredients: Beef cubes 1/2 lb Daikon 1/2 lb Green Onion Diced Diagonally Garlic diced 4 cloves Fish Sauce 1 Tsp Salt 1 tsp Water 5 cups Methods: Peel daikon's thick skin (remove the thick ring for stronger flavor) Cut daikon in medium thin slices Bring a pot of water to boil to blanch the daikon Add daikon in Remove when the water re-boil again Rinse daikon in cold water Add 5 cups of cold water in a heavy bottom pot Add the daikon in at medium heat until boiled with lid on Bring another small pot of water to boil Add the beef cubes in and turn off the heat to allow the beef to change from raw red color Drain and rinse beef cubes in cold water to let go of the residual (i.e. yield clear soup) Back to the pot with daikon in it, remove bubbles from top of soup and add the beef cubes and diced garlic in once boiled Turn to medium low heat with lid on to cook for 25 minutes Add green onion, salt an