
Showing posts with the label Lunch

Recipe: Simply Good Tuna Sandwich++++

Simply Good Tuna Sandwich Ingredients: Mayo 2Tsp Tuna (water or oil) 1 can EVOO 1 Tsp Bread 2 slices Salt 1/4tsp Fresh Grounded Black Pepper 1/2tsp Lemon/Lime Juice 1/2 Onion diced 1/2 cup (optional) Celery/Cucumber diced 1/2 cup Masago (Fish Roe)  1tsp Note:  Celery/Cucumber is added for crunchiness. Method: Uncan and drained 1 can of tuna and set aside. Mix all ingredients together. Generously, spread the tuna mix onto a slice of bread. Put the other slice of bread on and cut the sandwich in half to enjoy. The fresh and crunchy cucumber is so refreshing and the masago is a great addition to the ocean flavor pops in each bite.  This is very simple and good eats. Served with iced Vietnamese Coffee

Recipe: Clean Cold Konnyaku 蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl

Cleans Cold Konnayku  蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl Serve 1 Ingredients: Yam Thread ( Konnayku ) 1 pack Strips of Meat e.g Leftover Chicken, Steak cut into small bite size strips Cucumber and or Cherry Tomatoes Few Slices Green Onion Diced Some Dressing: Grated Ginger 1/4 tsp Cooking Wine 1/2 Tsp Soy Paste 1/2 Tsp Salt Tiny Dash Peanut Butter 1 Tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White Vinegar 1 Tsp Sugar 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil 1/4 tsp Finely Chopped Garlic 1/2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed 1 tsp (Optional) Methods: Open the Yam Thread package and rinse it 2-3 times and drain Bring a small pot of water to a boil and added the Yam Thread bundles in Turn the heat off to medium and let it blanch for 1 minutes Remove and rinse the bundles in cold water, drain and set it into the refrigerator Mix the seasoning well in a serving bowl and set aside Cut the meat into bite size strips and mix well with 1-2 spoonful of seasoning Plating: Take the cold bundle

Recipe: Preserved Vegetable Soup Noodle 雪菜肉絲炆米+++

雪菜肉絲炆米 材料: 米粉 約150克 雪菜 1棵 豬肉 約100克(切絲) 紅椒 1/4個(切絲) 油 少許 調味汁: 糖 1茶匙 蠔油 2湯匙 老抽 1湯匙 麻油 少許 水 200毫升 醃料: 生抽 1茶匙 酒 1茶匙 糖 1茶匙 麻油 1茶匙 做法: 1. 雪菜洗淨切粒備用 2. 燒熱水,米粉煮至熟透 no more than 2 minutes,盛起後cover with wet towel for 8 minutes to keep the rice noodles tender 3. 肉絲以生抽、酒、糖及麻油醃5分鐘 4. 把糖、蠔油、老油、麻油及水拌成調味汁 5. 燒熱油鑊,加入肉絲、雪菜粒及紅椒絲 (fill in 2/3 water/broth of the ingredients in work is sufficient)  6. 最後加入米粉快炒,加入適量調味汁炆至收汁即成

Tips: Lunch/Dinner Ideas

Lunch or Dinner Ideas Mexican Chicken Fajitas In a cast iron skillet: -Spanish rice (optional), Cumin black beans -Grilled chicken breast on top of Caramelized onion -Wedge of lime Plate: Guacamole*, Sour Cream, Jack Cheese, Lettuce, Pico de gallo* *Crushed Hass avocados, cilantro, lime, onion and serrano chiles with pico de gallo * aka salsa fresca, is made from chopped tomato, onion, coriander leaves, fresh serranos, salt, and key lime  juice. Other ingredients, such as shrimp or avocado, are also sometimes added. Warm flour tortillas Warm corn chips Salsa Note:  Making at home, I can control the amount of sodium in my food.  No matter which Mexican restaurant, the food is always over salted.