
Showing posts with the label Entree

Recipe: Ground Bean Sauce Steam Pink Grouper with Tofu 磨豉醬豆腐蒸野生墨西哥紅石斑+++

Ground Bean Sauce Steam Pink Grouper with Tofu  磨豉醬豆腐蒸野生墨西哥紅石斑 Ingredients: Grouper Tail 1 1/4lbs Green Onion 2 brunch cut into 2 1/2" section Ginger 8 slices Soft Tofu 1 pack Preserved Radish 1 pack Salt 1tsp Water 1 cup Seasoning: For fish: Salt 1tsp, White Pepper, Chicken Essence 1/4tsp For tofu: Corn Starch 1Tsp + Water 1Tsp Ground Bean Sauce 2 Tsp Mix well together Left:  Ground Bean Sauce Right: (Optional) Soy Bean Sauce with whole bean in it Before plating: Warm Seasoned Soy Sauce for Seafood 1/4 cup Hot Cooking Oil 3 Tsp Methods: Soak preserved radish with 1tsp of salt and water before setting it aside. Rinse grouper and padded very dry with disposable kitchen towels. For thicker grouper tail, make 3 slits on each side of the tail.  Then, filet the tail but keep the bone on one side or cut the tail into fish steaks for easy cooking through. Clean and Cut green onion into 2 1/2" sections.

Recipe: Rao's Famous Lemon Chicken (Pollo al Limone)+++

Rao's Famous Lemon Chicken (Pollo al Limone) Prep Time: 15 min Inactive Prep Time: 15 min Cook Time: 30 min Level: Easy Serves: 6 servings Ingredients 2 2 1/2-to-3-pound broiling chickens, halved 1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley Lemon Sauce (recipe follows) Directions To attain maximum heat, preheat broiler for at least 15 minutes before using. Broil chicken halves, turning once, for about 30 minutes or until skin is golden-brown and juices run clear when bird is pierced with a fork. Remove chicken from broiler, leaving broiler on. Using a very sharp knife, cut each half into about 6 pieces (leg, thigh, wing, 3 small breast pieces). Place chicken on a baking sheet with sides, of a size that can fit into the broiler. Pour Lemon Sauce over the chicken and toss to coat well. If necessary, divide sauce in half and do this in two batches. Return to broiler and broil for 3 minutes. Turn each piece and broil for an additional minute. Remove from broiler and portion

Receip: Kitchen Clam Bake by Ian Garten++

Kitchen Clam Bake Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds kielbasa Note: Sub with good susage/bacon 3 cups chopped yellow onions (2 large onions) 2 cups chopped leeks, well cleaned (2 leeks, white parts only) 1/4 cup good olive oil 1 1/2 pounds small potatoes (red or white) 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1/2 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper 2 dozen littleneck clams, scrubbed 2 dozen steamer clams, scrubbed 2 pounds mussels, cleaned and debearded 1 1/2 pounds large shrimp, in the shell 3 (1 1/2 pound) lobsters 2 cups good dry white wine Directions: Slice the kielbasa diagonally into 1-inch thick slices. Set aside. Saute the onions and leeks in the olive oil in a heavy-bottomed 16 to 20 quart stockpot over medium heat for 15 minutes, until the onions start to brown. Layer the ingredients on top of the onions in the stockpot in this order: Potatoes Salt Pepper Kielbasa Little neck clams Steamer clams Mussels Shrimp Lobsters Note: Once lobster is dead, remove rubber

Receip: Pan Fried Salmon 粵式煎封三文魚扒 +++

粵式煎封三文魚扒 材料: 三文魚扒 2 件 (每件半吋厚) 蔥粒 2 湯匙 芫茜 1 湯匙 薑 3 片 鹽 少許 粟粉 適量 清汁: 水 1/4 杯 生抽 1 湯匙 老抽 1 茶匙 片糖 / 黃糖 1 茶匙 紹酒 1 湯匙 白醋 1 湯匙 做法: 三文魚洗淨瀝乾,洒少許鹽醃 30 分鐘,均勻撲上粟粉,備用 中火熱鍋落油,放入薑片煎片刻,轉慢火放入三文魚扒,每面煎 2 分鐘,上蓋,熄火,焗 1 1/2 分鐘,上碟,薑片不要 清汁拌勻,備用 另熱鍋落油,中火爆香蔥粒,放入清汁煮沸,轉慢火煮至略杰,放回三文魚扒每面煮 30 秒,上碟洒芫茜,即成

Recipe: Bake Salmon With Roasted Garlic and Savory Mayo++++

Bake Salmon With Roasted Garlic and Savory Mayo Ingredients 1 lb salmon fillet 1 cup mayonnaise 5 garlic cloves 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper Directions 1 Place salmon filet on a sheet of aluminium foil, or baking tray, flesh-side up. 2 Season salmon filet with salt (to taste) and set aside. 3 Chop garlic finely and mix into the cup of mayonnaise, stirring if necessary. 4 Using a butter knife or a spoon, spread the garlic-mayo mixture evenly on top of the filet, the spread should be about a 1/2cm thick throughout. 5 Preheat the oven to 450 degrees, and place the filet on the top rack, for 8-10 minutes, taking care not to overcook. 6 Turn the oven setting to "Broil" and keep a close eye on the garlic mayo spread; turn off the oven once the garlic and mayo start to brown evenly. 7 Season further with salt to taste. 8 Serve with potatoes, or steamed rice.

Recipe: 干扁四季豆+++

干扁 四季豆 用料: 四季豆1斤、 绞肉1两、 虾米1大匙、 冬菜2两, 葱末3大匙、 姜末1茶匙、 蒜末1茶匙, 酒1茶匙、 麻油1茶匙、 糖1/4茶匙、 味精1/8茶匙、 盐1/4茶匙、 醋1/4茶匙。 制作方法: 1.四季豆摘洗净,沥干水分。虾米用水泡软,切末。冬菜洗净,亦剁末。 2.锅中烧热3杯油,用大火炸四季豆,炸至外皮微皱即捞出。 3.倒出炸油,留油1大匙,放入虾米、冬菜、蒜末、姜末及绞肉,炒干。 4.加入四季豆与其它调味料,待炒拌入味后,起锅置入盘中。

Recipe: 香煎雞排++++ Juicy!!

香煎雞排   原料: 小雞胸肉4塊、 鹽1小勺、 生抽2大勺、 料酒1大勺、 白胡椒粉1小勺、 洋蔥絲適量(約半個的量,這個千萬不要省略,就靠它來提香呢) Note: I used shallot instead. 干淀粉2大勺、 清水3大勺、 麵包屑200g Egg Yolk x 1 做法: 1、將雞胸肉去除筋膜,(如果是比較大的雞胸肉,用刀從中間片成兩片)。 2-3、用刀背在雞肉正反面上反复敲打半分鐘,使雞肉鬆懈,以便醃製時入味。 4-5、將雞肉放入碗中,加入調味料和洋蔥絲用手抓拌均勻。 Add one egg yolk. 6、放入保鮮盒中,蓋上蓋子醃製1/2 to 2個小時以上。 7、將乾澱粉加入清水調和成濃水澱粉,把雞肉放入水澱粉中雙面沾濕。 Note: I did not use this step. 8、再放入麵包屑中雙面沾滿。 Note: I used the Italian Style Bread Crumbs. 9、鍋中倒入油,大火加熱後改成中小火,放入雞排,煎製兩面金黃即可。

Recipe: 蠔油雞翼+++

蠔油雞翼 材料﹕ 雞全翼4隻﹔ 蔥頭1粒﹔ 薑2片﹔ 油1/2湯匙   茨汁﹕ 蠔油 1 1/2湯匙﹔ 白酒 1/2湯匙﹔ 水125毫升﹔ 老抽 1/2湯匙﹔ 水1/4茶匙   做法﹕ 1. 清潔抹乾雞翼,每隻切成5件。 2. 拍爛蔥頭及薑片。 3. 準備茨汁。 4. 燒熱2湯匙,爆香蔥頭及薑片約 1/2 分鐘。 5. 加入雞翼爆香2分鐘。 6. 加入茨汁慢火炆約15分鐘。

Recipe: 蕃茄醬炒蝦++++

蕃茄醬炒蝦 材料:蝦一斤、蔥、姜、蒜、蕃茄醬 做法: 0.剪去頭先 1.先用油爆蔥、姜、蒜 2.放入蝦炒一會,直至蝦變成紅色 3.放約三至四湯匙蕃茄醬, 以及少許鹽巴 4.待醬汁煮至濃稠即可盛起

Recipe: 梅子蒸排骨++++

梅子蒸排骨 猪排骨………250克 酸梅肉…………4 dices 深色酱油………25克 豆酱……………10克 白糖……………15克干 淀粉…………25克 味精……………2克 芝麻油…………10克 蒜泥……………10克 花生油…………25克 烹製方法 1.將排骨斬成10克重的塊,洗乾淨, 控去水分 。 2.把以上味料與排骨拌勻,攤放盤中,澆適量花生油,用中火蒸約10分鐘至熟,取出便成。

Recipe: Roasted Pork Top Loin++++

Roasted Pork Top Loin Ingredients: Boneless Pork Top Loin Roast 2lbs Garlic 4 cloves Rosemary 2 branches Coarse Salt Fresh Grounded Black Pepper Zucchini 4 small/medium Squash 2 large Yellow and or Red Onion 1 large EVOO 2-3 Tsp White Wine 1cup Corn Starch 2Tsp Water 2Tsp Notes: -Roast each pound for 20 minutes at 375F to an internal temperature of 145F for medium. -Carrot, Pears, Onion, Squash, etc. are a good addition to this dish. -The top loin is so tender. Method: Set oven rack to mid-upper section and preheat oven to 375F. Rinse and cut zucchinis, squashes, and onion into large slices.  Set aside. Trim excess fat off from top loin if necessary. Padded dry pork top loin and tie up the roast with a long cooking twine to ensure even cooking. Unpeel four cloves of garlic. Pierce top loin to insert garlic cloves. In a baking pan, place top loin in and add a generous amount of crouse salt and pepper all over top loin. Drizzle 1Tsp of oil on top of to

Recipe: Braised Oxtails in Red Wine+++

Braised Oxtails in Red Wine This is a dish made to impress and taste good with wow factor.  It is so easy to make.  Key to success is the time in the oven for about 2.5-3 hours. Ingredients: 1 Oxtail Herbs:  Rosemary and Thymes and Bay leave Salt and Pepper 1 cup Dry Red Wine (i.e. Syrah) 1 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar Vegetables: 1 medium size Carrots dice, 1 Onion diced, 1-2 stalk of Celery dice (keep the leave) Regular Flour (light coat on both side of oxtail pieces) or Fine Flour 1 Tsp Tomato paste or 1 can of diced Tomato with juice 1/2 teaspoon Chicken Broth Mix powder 1 can/14.5oz Chicken/Beef Broth 2-3 cloves of Garlic (lightly press to break) Instructions: 1. Preheat over to 450F or 500F if available (Note: DO not use broiler setting); clean and prepare vegetables 2. Seasoned oxtail with salt generously and pepper all over and dust on a light layer of flour (optional) 3. Seared the oxtail for color with a medium-low heat pan with LC 4. Remove golden

Recipe: Grilled 秋刀魚 +++

秋刀魚 是頷針魚目秋刀魚科的食用海水魚。通常 2 年長成,全長約 40cm。分佈於從日本海、阿拉斯加、美國大陸沿岸到墨西哥的寬廣北太平洋 Chinese:Qiu Dao Yu (秋刀魚) English:Pacific Saury (Mackerel Pike) Japanese:Sanma (サンマ) Korean:Kongchi (꽁치) 材料:(烤焗) 秋刀魚 檸檬汁 適量 鹽 適量 胡椒鹽 適量 Grilled 做法: -Put Salted and Pepper on each side - Grill each side for 15 to 20 minutes Other 做法: 秋刀魚洗淨去鱗去內臟,用廚房紙吸乾水份 預熱焗爐 230 C / 445 F 用錫紙包好焗盤,抹上一層油,備用 用幼鹽抹勻整條魚身醃約 15 分鐘 放在焗盤上,入焗爐以 230 C / 445 F 每面焗至金黃色 (烤焗時間以魚大小而定) 最後灑上胡椒粉,再淋上檸檬汁,即成 材料:(香煎) 秋刀魚 檸檬汁 適量 生粉 適量 鹽 適量 胡椒鹽 適量 做法: 秋刀魚洗淨去鱗去內臟,用廚房紙吸乾水份 用幼鹽抹勻整條魚身醃約 15 分鐘 再用生粉薄撲均勻在魚身上 熱鍋落油,放入秋刀魚,用中慢火煎至兩面金黃色,上碟 最後灑上胡椒粉,再淋上檸檬汁,即成

Recipe: 蘿蔔牛腩 Modified ++

蘿蔔牛腩   材料: 牛腩 2 磅 蘿蔔 1.5 磅 薑 4 片 蒜茸 1 湯匙 水 適量 醃料: 老抽 2 湯匙 麻油 1 湯匙 紹酒 / 米酒 / 玫瑰露 3 湯匙 調味料: 柱侯醬 6 湯匙 八角 8 粒 冰糖 2 粒 (大小如母指般) 水 1 杯 Note: Put the seasoning directly into the pan to save a clean bowl. 做法: 牛腩 原塊 放入滾水中 (如牛腩太大塊,可切開兩塊),煮約 2 分鐘,撈起加入醃料抹勻醃片刻 蘿蔔去皮洗淨,切件備用 熱鍋落油,放入薑片及蒜茸炒香,加入調味料煮勻至冰糖溶化 加入牛腩連醃汁拌勻,再加入水至剛蓋過牛腩煮滾,轉慢火燜 2-3 小時 Pressure Cooker: 1.5 to 2 hours 燜好牛腩撈起待稍涼,切件回鍋,加入蘿蔔同煮至滾,上碟即成 小幫手 : 如牛腩切小件後才燜,會縮小及走失肉汁,所以盡量原塊燜煮 用冰糖煮可使牛腩肉質變得鬆軟 11-22-09 B- Rating Not enough flavor

Recipe: Congee 廣式白米粥

廣式白米粥 熬粥工序: 1、將淘好的米控干水分,加入少量色拉油混合攪拌,放上一個小時左右。 2、取一個保溫性良好的砂鍋,將米和等比例的水放入砂鍋後開小火。等砂鍋呈全熱狀態後開中火。 3、水煮開後,改成小火繼續熬,注意,其間不要讓水溢出來並且慢慢蓋上蓋子,但不要完全蓋住。約30至40分鐘後一鍋好粥就煲好了。要領是在煲粥的過程中盡量不要去翻攪。 煲白粥的水量界定 依照米和水的比例,可以煮出不同的粥。 最基本的白粥也就是所謂的全粥的米、水比例為1:5; 水分較多的七分粥米、水比例為1:7, 滑溜順口的五分粥的米、水比例為1:10 。

Recipe: 九層塔茄子, 好味! +++++

九層塔茄子 材料: 2至3隻 茄子 1大棵 九層塔(即羅勒, basil) 1/2茶匙 磨豉醬 1/2茶匙 辣豆瓣醬 (如果喜歡吃辣,可加多一點) 1/2茶匙 蒜蓉 水適量 調味料: 1茶匙 生抽 1/2茶匙 糖 1/2茶匙 生粉(即太白粉,粟粉) 1/8茶匙 鹽 1湯匙 水 麻油少許 做法: 1. 先把茄子洗凈,切斜片。在冷開水中放點鹽,把切好的茄子片放進,浸一會兒。(這樣處理過的茄子,吃起來就不會令舌頭有痕癢的怪怪感覺。因為有些人對茄子敏感的。) 2. 洗凈九層塔,只摘取葉備用。 3. 燒滾一鍋油,不用太多,只需能浸過茄子。記得把浸過鹽水的茄子片,瀝乾水份。否則放入熱油中,滾油會飛濺出來,很危險啊!小心,小心! 4. 把茄子放入熱油中,稍微走油(即稍稍炸一會),茄子微軟,撈起。放在廚房紙上,把油吸乾。 5. 倒出鍋中的油,只剩約一湯匙,放下蒜蓉,磨豉醬和辣豆瓣醬爆香。聞到香味後,放下茄子兜炒,加點水,略煮至軟。倒進調味料埋一薄獻(勾芡)。熄火,加入九層塔,利用鍋中餘熱,兜炒一會,上碟。 溫馨提示: 1. 九層塔不宜煮得太熟,否則不好吃。太生的話,很多人不能接受。用鍋中餘熱炒九層塔就最好不過。 2. 炸過的茄子煮起來就不會變黑。而炸過的油很清潔,可以再循環用作炒餸菜。

Recipe: 苦瓜牛肉+++

苦瓜牛肉   材料: 苦瓜1根, 牛肉二两, 盐少许, 酱油少许, 生粉少许, 清水半碗, 油 some balck beans。 步骤: 1.苦瓜切片,用少许盐拌匀,待用; 2.牛肉切薄片,用生粉、酱油腌制3-5分钟,待用; 3.放油微炒牛肉片,至8成熟,肉片变色起锅 ;(油要多至生粉不粘锅) 4.放油到干净的锅中,油热后,放入苦瓜片翻炒; 5.苦瓜片变色后加入牛肉,翻炒匀; 6.放入半碗清水煮,水基本干后起锅。