
Showing posts with the label Noodle

Recipe: Japanese Soba Cold Noodle and Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce)

Japanese Soba Cold Noodle and Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce)  Serve 1 Ingredients: Soba Noodle 1 bundle Green Onion 1 bundle chopped Nori 1 piece Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce) for cold noodle or tempura Ingredients: 2:2:1 Soy Sauce: Mirin: Sake 1/2 cup Soy Sauce 1/2 cup Mirin 1/4 cup Sake Handful of Bonito Method to Make Ten-Tsuyu: Mix all ingredients together in a small pot. Bring it to a boil and turn off the heat. Cover the pot and let it cool completely before draining the bonito. Ready to use or store in a container up to a week. Before serving with cold noodle, mix 1 part men-Tsuyu with 2 part water. Method to make Cold Noodle: Follow the soba noodle package instruction to cook 1 bundle of soba. Prepare diluted Men-Tsuyu for dipping use. Add chopped green onion in the dipping sauce. Add shredded nori on top of cold soba. Ready to serve.

Recipe: Clean Cold Konnyaku 蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl

Cleans Cold Konnayku  蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl Serve 1 Ingredients: Yam Thread ( Konnayku ) 1 pack Strips of Meat e.g Leftover Chicken, Steak cut into small bite size strips Cucumber and or Cherry Tomatoes Few Slices Green Onion Diced Some Dressing: Grated Ginger 1/4 tsp Cooking Wine 1/2 Tsp Soy Paste 1/2 Tsp Salt Tiny Dash Peanut Butter 1 Tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White Vinegar 1 Tsp Sugar 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil 1/4 tsp Finely Chopped Garlic 1/2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed 1 tsp (Optional) Methods: Open the Yam Thread package and rinse it 2-3 times and drain Bring a small pot of water to a boil and added the Yam Thread bundles in Turn the heat off to medium and let it blanch for 1 minutes Remove and rinse the bundles in cold water, drain and set it into the refrigerator Mix the seasoning well in a serving bowl and set aside Cut the meat into bite size strips and mix well with 1-2 spoonful of seasoning Plating: Take the cold bundle

Recipe: 菠菜豬肉蝦丸湯

菠菜豬肉蝦丸湯 Ingredients: Spinach Grinned Pork 70 gram Lightly Chopped Shrimp 10 counts Chopped Cilantro 1 branch Minced Ginger 2 slices for pork; 2 slices for soup Diced Green Onion 1 branch Soy Sauce 1 tsp Pepper Corn Powder 1 gram Tapioca Starch 1 tsp Star Anise 八角 1 count White Pepper 1 dash Salt 1 tsp Methods: Clean and rinse spinach Cook spinach quickly and soak in cold water to stop cooking Rinse spinach and set aside Add diced green onion, minced ginger, 1 tsp soy sauce and pepper corn powder into grinned pork to mix Add chopped shrimps and cilantro into grinned pork mixture with 1 tsp of tapioca starch Mix very well to incorporate the mixture to create stickiness Make meat balls and set aside In a clay pot, add water to a boil Add 2 slices of ginger, star anise, white pepper and salt in the clay pot Taste to adjust Turn heat to low before adding the meat balls in to ensure wholesome structure Once all meat balls are in the clay pot, turn heat to medium

Recipe: 上湯菠菜

上湯菠菜 Ingredients: Spinach 6 whole brunches Century Egg 1 Wolf berry 枸杞子 20 counts Diced Garlic 2 cloves Julianne Ginger 1 slice Salt  2 tsp Sugar 1 tsp White Pepper A dash Corn Starch 2 tsp Water 2 tsp Oil 1 tsp Chicken Broth 1/2 cup Methods: Clean and rinse spinach Plate cooked spinach on serving plate Soak the wolf berries in warm water for 5 minutes, then rinse and drain and set aside Steam century egg for 8 minutes Once century egg is cool to handle, cut it into small cubes In a pan, add 1 tsp of oil on medium heat Once pan and oil is hot, add ginger and garlic to stir fried until fragrant Add wolf berries and century egg cubes to stir fried lightly Add 1/2 cup of chicken broth, salt and white pepper to cook for about 2 minutes Turn off heat and add the corn starch and water mixture in to incorporate Pour the mixture onto the spinach Serve

Recipe: Men-Tsuyu (Multipurpose sauce)++++

Men-Tsuyu (Multipurpose sauce) with cold noodles or tempura Serve:  One use with One bundle of buckwheat noodle (Zaru Soba) To Serve: 1 part Men-Tsuyu and 2 parts Water Ingredients: Ratio:  Soy Sauce 2x Mirin 2x Sake 1x Soy Sauce 4tsp Mirin 4tsp Sake 2 tsp Dried Bonito Flakes Handful or 1 package Methods: Mix all ingredients together Bring it to a boil Turn off and remove from heat Cover with lid to cool entirely Once cooled, drained and discard the bonito flakes To serve, use 1 part sauce and add 2 parts water Prepare diced green onion and wasabi on the side to be added to the sauce Serve with cold noodles Note:  Leftover sauce can be stored in a glass container up to 2 weeks.

Recipe: Preserved Vegetable Soup Noodle 雪菜肉絲炆米+++

雪菜肉絲炆米 材料: 米粉 約150克 雪菜 1棵 豬肉 約100克(切絲) 紅椒 1/4個(切絲) 油 少許 調味汁: 糖 1茶匙 蠔油 2湯匙 老抽 1湯匙 麻油 少許 水 200毫升 醃料: 生抽 1茶匙 酒 1茶匙 糖 1茶匙 麻油 1茶匙 做法: 1. 雪菜洗淨切粒備用 2. 燒熱水,米粉煮至熟透 no more than 2 minutes,盛起後cover with wet towel for 8 minutes to keep the rice noodles tender 3. 肉絲以生抽、酒、糖及麻油醃5分鐘 4. 把糖、蠔油、老油、麻油及水拌成調味汁 5. 燒熱油鑊,加入肉絲、雪菜粒及紅椒絲 (fill in 2/3 water/broth of the ingredients in work is sufficient)  6. 最後加入米粉快炒,加入適量調味汁炆至收汁即成

Recipe: Quick Phở++++

Phở 3 servings Ingredients: 2 packs of Vietnamese  Phở Soup Paste 9 cups of water 1 bag or 16oz of fresh Rice Stick Noodles 1 bag of rinsed Bean Sprouts 1 pack of Beef Balls 2 branches of Basil 1 Lime quartered Serve with: Hoisin Sauce Sriracha Easy Methods: Note:  Best to line up everything for quick execution because  Phở is best when hot but the noodles get soggy when it sits for too long.  Soggy noodles are not good eats. 1.  Boil water. 2.  Set chopsticks, spoons, sauces, clean basil branches, clean bean sprouts and quartered lime on the table. 3.  Place bowls/LC small pots (i.e. 14BB) by the boiling water.   Note:  LC cast iron pots are perfect for maintaining heat.  Preheat LC with some water in it. 4.  Distribute the desired amount of noodle  in each bowl/LC. Note:  It is very important not to cook noodle.  It only needs to heat up by the piping hot broth. 5.  When the water is boiling, add two packs of soup paste in and stir to dissolve.

Recipe: 蔥開煨麵++++

蔥開煨麵  +榨菜肉絲 【材料】: 油 3 大匙 蔥 5支 開陽 aka  蝦米  1兩 雞湯  2罐 + 熱 水 1罐 蠔油 1大匙 紹興 酒 1小匙 鹽 1/2小匙 糖 1/2小匙 胡椒粉 1/2小匙 醬油 1大匙 細麵 1 包 【做法】: 1、蔥切3 大 段 放入油鍋中爆香到 呈焦色 ,再放入開陽炒香。 2、鍋中再放入紹興酒、高湯、蠔油、鹽、胡椒粉、醬油煮滾 。 3 、 再放入細麵 不停攪拌以避免粘 鍋 底 。   4、 湯 沸騰時, 湯將開始變濃 ,湯 顏色 變 乳白色 。 5、 加入半杯冷水或冰塊,  冷縮熱脹 使麵條裡面 軟化但不 稀 爛 。 6、 重複步驟4和5三次 。 7、 嚐湯 味道,  如需要添加調味料 。 8、 煮熟至軟嫩即可完成「蔥開煨麵」。