
Showing posts with the label Wellness

Recipe: Winter Apple and Pear Clear Drink/Soup

Winter Apple and Pear Clear Soup 燉蘋果雪梨乾無花果水 Serves 4 This soup moisturizes inside and outside of the body. Ingredients: Apples  蘋果  2 Pear  雪梨  1 Dried Figs  無花果 6 南杏 1/2 Tsp 北杏 1/2 Tsp Hot Water  熱水  9 cups Methods: Preheat oven to 350F Bring the 9 cups of water to a boil in a large LC Wash and Peel the apples and pear Remove the core and cut into uniform big pieces, set aside RInse the  Dried Figs,  無花果,  南杏 and  北杏 and set aside Turn off the heat and add all ingredients to the large LC carefully Cover with lid and put the large LC into the oven for 1.5 hours Soup should be clear and deliciously sweet Ready to serve hot or cold

Recipe: Blending - Red Drink (Year Round)

Vitamin C Power Cucumber 1 Celery 4 stalks Small Apple 2 cored and seeded Red Cabbage 1 1/2 cups Ginger 1 slice

Recipe: Clean Cold Konnyaku 蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl

Cleans Cold Konnayku  蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl Serve 1 Ingredients: Yam Thread ( Konnayku ) 1 pack Strips of Meat e.g Leftover Chicken, Steak cut into small bite size strips Cucumber and or Cherry Tomatoes Few Slices Green Onion Diced Some Dressing: Grated Ginger 1/4 tsp Cooking Wine 1/2 Tsp Soy Paste 1/2 Tsp Salt Tiny Dash Peanut Butter 1 Tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White Vinegar 1 Tsp Sugar 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil 1/4 tsp Finely Chopped Garlic 1/2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed 1 tsp (Optional) Methods: Open the Yam Thread package and rinse it 2-3 times and drain Bring a small pot of water to a boil and added the Yam Thread bundles in Turn the heat off to medium and let it blanch for 1 minutes Remove and rinse the bundles in cold water, drain and set it into the refrigerator Mix the seasoning well in a serving bowl and set aside Cut the meat into bite size strips and mix well with 1-2 spoonful of seasoning Plating: Take the cold bundle

Recipe: Blending - Green Drinks (Year Round)

Green Drinks Lunch Green Ginger 2 slices Celery 4 stalks Cucumber 1 Apple 1/2 Frozen Kale 1 cup Chia Seeds 1 Tsp Lime Juice 1 whole Lime Soy Milk Dark Green (Dinner Drink) Coconut Water 1 1/2 cups Lemon Juice 1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper 1/4 Tsp Flax Seeds 1 Tsp Mango 1/2 cup Blueberries 1 cup Kale 1 cup Avocado 1/4 Green Carrot Carrots 3 medium Cucumber 1 Celery 1 stalk Parsley 1/4 cup Romaine Lettuce 1/2 head Immune Orange Carrot Carrots 4 Navel Oranges 2 Turmeric Root 1/2 inch Cayenne Pepper Pinch

Recipe: Blending - Green Drinks (Fall/Winter)

Green Drinks All-Year-Around Green Soy Milk 1 cup Chia Seeds 1 Tsp Lime Juice 1 whole Lime Ginger 2 slices Celery 4 stalks Cucumber 1 Apple 1/2 Frozen Kale 1 cup Fall & Winter Green Soy Milk 1/2 cup Ginger 4 slices Cucumber 1 Pear 1 Celery 4 stalks Fall Pear Ginger Green Aid Soy Milk 1 cup Chia Seeds 1 Tsp Ginger 4 slices Frozen Spinach 1 1/2 cup Cucumber 1 medium Pear 1 cored and seeded Celery 2 stalks Fall Power Boost Soy Milk 1 cup Chia Seeds 1 Tsp Ginger 4 slices Oatmeal 1/2 cup Figs 10 (that's what I have on hand) Frozen Spinach 1/2 cup Frozen Kale 1/4 cup Frozen Blueberries 1 cup Banana 1   Naturally sweet and healthy

Recipe: Blending - Green Drink (Summer)

Green Drinks All-Year-Around Green Ginger 2 slices Celery 4 stalks Cucumber 1 Apple 1/2 Frozen Kale 1 cup Chia Seeds 1 Tsp Lime Juice 1 whole Lime Soy Milk 1 cup Summer Green Water 1 cup Flax Seed 1 Tsp Raspberry 1 cup Banana 1 Cooked Spinach 1/4 cup Almond Butter 1 Tsp Lemon Juice 2 Tsp Swiss Chard Green Pear 2 cored and seeded Cucumber 1 Swiss Chard 2 leaves Liquid 1 cup You are My Sunshine Kiwi 1 Apple 1 cored and seeded Navel Orange 1 Cucumber 2 Lemon 1/2 Liquid 1 cup

Recipe: 桑椹 核桃 龍眼幹黑豆 湯 Blackberries Black Beans Walnuts Dried Logan Soup ++++

桑椹 核桃 龍眼幹黑豆  湯 Blackberry Black Beans Walnuts Dried Logan Soup Hair Wellness Blackberries含的維生素,礦物質很豐富,是補血,明目,烏髮防脫髮的補益食品. 對ladies貧血,面色無華,視力衰退,或病後體虛,神經衰弱,失眠都有幫助. Avoid this soup when under the weather with a cold/flu. Ingredients: Blackberries 1 pack 6oz Black beans 1 hand full Walnuts 1 hand full Dried Logan 1 hand full Dried Pitless Red Dates 8 counts Water 5 cups Methods: 1.  Bring 5 cups of water to a boil in a heavy based pot (e.g. LC) 2.  Rinse all ingredients (including walnuts) and add to boiling water 3.  Turn heat to low and cover to cook for 2 1/2 hours Note:  Soup can be enjoyed as its or sweet