
Showing posts with the label Stir-Fried

Recipe: Stir Fried Swamp Ee 紅燒黃蟮

Stir Fried Swamp Eel 紅燒黃蟮 Ingredients: Swamp Eel 炒黃蟮 2lbs Kosher Salt 5Tsp Garlic 8 cloves minced Ginger 4 slices minced Green Onion 3 bundles Cooking Oil 4Tsp Seasoning 1: Bean Paste  1/2Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 2Tsp Soy Sauce 2 1/2Tsp Hoi Sin Sauce 1 1/2Tsp Seasoning 2: Hot Water 1cup Rock Sugar 1Tsp or 4 small dice Cooking Wine 2Tsp Red Pepper Flakes 1tsp Corn Starch + Water Mixed 1Tsp each Method: Throughly rinse and clean swamp eel until not bloody anymore. Cut eel into approximately 2" long chucks and or into 2" long and skinny strips, if not already done so by fish monger. Drain eel and place them into a plastic bag.  Add up to 5 Tsp of Kosher salt to eel.  Close/seal the bag and rubbed the eel from the outside of the bag.  This will clean the eel's skin. After rubbing and cleaning the eel skin for a couple minutes, rinse and drain the eel.  The cleaned eel should be shinny and not bloody.  Set aside. Minced 8 cloves of garlic and 4 piece

Cooking Tips: Beef Marinate 牛肉调味料

Beef Marinate for 1/2 lb: Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Cooking Wine 1 Tsp White Pepper 1 dash Baking Soda 1/4 tsp Mix well before adding the following Corn Starch 1 tsp and Water 1 tsp Mix well before adding the following Egg White 1 Set aside for 20 minutes before cooking Note: Beef Skirt Steak is great for stir-fried 炒

Recipe: Stir-Fried Beef and Tomatoes+++

Stir Fried Beef and Tomatoes Ingredients: Beef Skirt Steak 3/4lb Tomatoes 2 Yellow Onion 1 small Green Onion 1 spring Cooking Oil 3-4 Tsp Beef Marinate: Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Cooking Wine 1 Tsp White Pepper 1 dash Baking Soda 1/4 tsp Mix well before adding the following Corn Starch 1 tsp and Water 1 tsp Mix well before adding the following Egg White 1 Seasoning: Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 2 Tsp Oyster Sauce 1 Tsp Cooking Wine 1 Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp White Pepper 1 dash Sesame Oil 1/2 tsp Methods: Cut onion and tomatoes (skin off is optional) into bite-size, clean and diced green onion Cut beef into bite-size across the grain Add and mix all seasoning for beef and set aside for 20 minutes Mix seasoning for stir fired use Add 3 Tsp of oil into a frying pan over medium-high heat Add beef into seared both sides for approximately 1 minute and remove from pan and set aside Add onion in the pan to stir-fried for 1 minutes and add tomatoes into