
Showing posts with the label Drinks

Beverage: Nespresso Recipe - Iced Chocolate Coffee++++

Iced Chocolate Coffee Ingridents: 2 high intensity Nespresso shots Note:  Use decaffeinated at night Cold Soy Milk Crushed Ice 2 scoops of Good Chocolate Ice Cream Tools: Chilled Shaker Chilled Glass Nespresso Machine Milk Frother Methods: 1.  Make sure all tools and ingridents are standing by to make this quick drink 2.  Add some crushed ice inside the chilled glass in the freezer and set aside in freezer 3.  Pour cold soy milk into frother by using the cold setting (press button for two seconds) 4.  Brew 2 high intensity Nespresso 5.  Bring chilled shaker out from refrigerator out and scoops two ice cream in 6.  Add the espresso shots into the ice cream 7.  Secured the shaker and give it a good shake to incorporate the ingridents 8.  Take the chilled glass with crushed ice into from freezer and pour the mixture in 9.  Pour the soy milk on top of the chocolate espresso mixture 10.  Serve immediately

My Favorite Wines

Domaine Bourillon D’Orleans Vouvray Sec 2005 La Coulée d’Argent -tasted at Fringale in SF -paired with Beacon wrapped Pork Tenderloin -dry and steady Saviah Cellar, Walla Walla The Jack Cabernet Sauvignon

Soup: 紅棗杞子龍眼水+++++

紅棗杞子龍眼水. 紅棗有 補血 作用,適合手腳冰冷的人(無咩血氣) 杞子則有 明目 作用,適合長期對著電腦的人士 此茶有舒肝解鬱、行氣活血、生津益氣、養肝明目 排毒 養顏及健胃消積的作用 中午與黃昏各飲一杯,每天飲用,保證你白天精神奕奕,夜晚則能 睡得安寧 。 材料: 龍眼肉10粒、 杞子30粒 做法: 將以上材料一同放入一個暖水壼內,加入兩杯滾水,浸12小時後飲用。

Blending - Aloha Cocktail or Pineapple Drink (Summer)

Summer Drinks Aloha Pineapple Juice Pineapple 1/2 can Peach 1 Lime/Lemon 2 slices Soy Milk 1 cup Chia Seed 1 Tsp Celery 4 stalks