
Showing posts with the label 涼拌黃瓜

Recipe: Canton Pickles 廣東泡菜/涼拌黃瓜

Canton Pickles 廣東泡菜/涼拌黃瓜 The top small container is one clove of garlic pickle. Ingredients/材料:   Carrots 紅蘿蔔 300g Radishes/Daikons 白蘿蔔(Peeled/去皮淨重)600g English Cucumbers 小黃瓜 300g Salt/鹽 2Tsp/大匙 Cold Drinking Water/冷開水 Seasoning/調味料: Sugar/砂糖 200 ml White Vinegar/白醋 160 ml Cold Drinking Water/冷開水 240 ml Salt/鹽 1tsp/小匙 Method/做法:   Rinse, peel and cut carrots, radishes into thick julienne and place them into a mesh strainer.  Add 1-2 Tsp of salt and mix.  Set aside to extract water for approximately 15 minutes.   紅蘿蔔與白蘿蔔切厚條,放入大濾網中,拌入鹽1-2大匙,靜置15分鐘。 Rinse and deseed the cucumbers with a spoon.  Cut cucumbers into thick julienne and place them into a mesh strainer.  Add 1-2 Tsp of salt and mix.  Set aside to extract water for approximately 15 minutes.  小黃瓜切厚條,另外放入大濾網中,拌入鹽1-2大匙,靜置15分鐘。 Mix seasoning together in a container with pouring spout:  200ml of Sugar, 160ml of White Vinegar, 240ml of cold drinking water, and 1tsp of salt.  Stir liquid until all sugar is disso