
Showing posts with the label Summer

Recipe: Japanese Soba Cold Noodle and Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce)

Japanese Soba Cold Noodle and Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce)  Serve 1 Ingredients: Soba Noodle 1 bundle Green Onion 1 bundle chopped Nori 1 piece Men-Tsuyu (multipurpose sauce) for cold noodle or tempura Ingredients: 2:2:1 Soy Sauce: Mirin: Sake 1/2 cup Soy Sauce 1/2 cup Mirin 1/4 cup Sake Handful of Bonito Method to Make Ten-Tsuyu: Mix all ingredients together in a small pot. Bring it to a boil and turn off the heat. Cover the pot and let it cool completely before draining the bonito. Ready to use or store in a container up to a week. Before serving with cold noodle, mix 1 part men-Tsuyu with 2 part water. Method to make Cold Noodle: Follow the soba noodle package instruction to cook 1 bundle of soba. Prepare diluted Men-Tsuyu for dipping use. Add chopped green onion in the dipping sauce. Add shredded nori on top of cold soba. Ready to serve.

Recipe: Green Mung Beans Seaweeds Dessert 不軟吧吧的海帶綠豆甜湯+++++

Green Mung Beans Seaweeds Dessert  不軟吧吧 的 海帶綠豆甜湯 Ingredients: Green Mung Beans 150g Kombu/Dried Seaweed 50g Tapioca Pearls 1/4 cup (optional) Crystal Sugar 100g Water 6.5 cups Water 6.5 cups Water 3 cups Method: Rinse and drain green mung beans and set it aside. Soak kombu in tap water and ensure they are submerged. Add 6.5 cups of water in a heavy-bottom pot and bring it to boil. Once water is boiling, add green mung beans and let it boil over medium heat without lid for 30 minutes. Remove brown bubbles as they surface in the pot. 30 minutes later, cover the pot with lid and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and remove cooked green mung beans and set aside.  The texture of the green mung beans should be soft or split but not mushy. Remove kombu and cut them into long bite size pieces and set aside. In the heavy-bottom pot, bring another 6.5 cups of water to a boil and add cooked green mung beans and kombu to cook for 8 minutes over medium-high heat. In another po

Recipe: Clean Cold Konnyaku 蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl

Cleans Cold Konnayku  蒟蒻 Lunch Bowl Serve 1 Ingredients: Yam Thread ( Konnayku ) 1 pack Strips of Meat e.g Leftover Chicken, Steak cut into small bite size strips Cucumber and or Cherry Tomatoes Few Slices Green Onion Diced Some Dressing: Grated Ginger 1/4 tsp Cooking Wine 1/2 Tsp Soy Paste 1/2 Tsp Salt Tiny Dash Peanut Butter 1 Tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White Vinegar 1 Tsp Sugar 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil 1/4 tsp Finely Chopped Garlic 1/2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed 1 tsp (Optional) Methods: Open the Yam Thread package and rinse it 2-3 times and drain Bring a small pot of water to a boil and added the Yam Thread bundles in Turn the heat off to medium and let it blanch for 1 minutes Remove and rinse the bundles in cold water, drain and set it into the refrigerator Mix the seasoning well in a serving bowl and set aside Cut the meat into bite size strips and mix well with 1-2 spoonful of seasoning Plating: Take the cold bundle

Recipe: Blending - Green Drink (Summer)

Green Drinks All-Year-Around Green Ginger 2 slices Celery 4 stalks Cucumber 1 Apple 1/2 Frozen Kale 1 cup Chia Seeds 1 Tsp Lime Juice 1 whole Lime Soy Milk 1 cup Summer Green Water 1 cup Flax Seed 1 Tsp Raspberry 1 cup Banana 1 Cooked Spinach 1/4 cup Almond Butter 1 Tsp Lemon Juice 2 Tsp Swiss Chard Green Pear 2 cored and seeded Cucumber 1 Swiss Chard 2 leaves Liquid 1 cup You are My Sunshine Kiwi 1 Apple 1 cored and seeded Navel Orange 1 Cucumber 2 Lemon 1/2 Liquid 1 cup

Recipe: Bún Thįt Núóng Vietnamese Cold Rice Noodle with BBQ Chicken 越南BBQ雞撈檬 (5+)

Bún Thįt Núóng Vietnamese Cold Rice Noodle 越南BBQ雞撈檬 Serve 1 Ingredients: Rice Vermicelli 2 bundles Lettuce Leaf 4 leaves (Julieann) BBQ Chicken 1 breast (sliced) Thai Basil 1 branch (Julieann) Bean Sprout 1 hand full Dried Shallot 1 tsp Green Onion 1 spring (chopped) Dipping Sauce (Ratio:  1:1:5 but I changed it to 1:1:1:4) 1 Tsp Sugar 1 Tsp Fish Sauce 1 Tsp Vinegar 4 Tsp Water 1 Small Lime Juice 1 tsp diced Garlic 1 dash of Red Pepper Flakes Methods: Cook the rice vermicelli per the package instruction (e.g. add it to boiling water and cook for 4 minutes) Rinse the cooked vermicelli in cold water to stop cooking, then drain and set aside Mix dipping sauce in a small bowl taste to adjust and set aside In a large noodle bowl, put half of the julienned lettuce in and following by the drained vermicelli, and add the rest of the lettuce. To plate, put the chicken slices on top and followed by bean sprout (I don't have this ingredient today), and basil. S

Recipe: Fresh Peach Pie

Fresh Peach Pie Ingredients: 9" Pie Crust (top and bottom)  =) 5 Freestone Peaches or Approximately 3 lbs Notes:   Freestone peach flesh does not stick to the pit, so they are preferred for eating out-of-hand. They tend to be larger and less juicy than clingstone peaches. Sugar 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1 Tsp (Optional for decoration) Salt 1/4 tsp Cinnamon Small pinch Grounded Ginger 1/4 tsp Cayenne Small pinch Lemon juice 1 Tsp or 1/2 lemon juice Flour 1/4 cup  or  1/4 cup of Tapioca Cornstarch 1 Tsp Egg Wash:  Mix Egg Yolk 1 +  Milk 1 tsp Method to cook Tapioca: 1.  Boil a pot of water. 2.  Once boiled, add the mini tapioca pearls in batches and slowly. 3.  Turn heat to medium-low and cook for 20 minutes or until pearls are transparent. 4.  Turn off heat and pour transparent pearls through a fine mesh and run them in cold water. 5.  In a cup of cold water, soak the cooked pearls for 10 minutes and set aside. 6.  Drain and set

Recipe: Matcha Coconut Azuki Yogurt Popsicles (Edited)

Matcha Coconut Azuki Yogurt Popsicles  Ingredients: 1 cup of Greek Yogurt Note:  If yogurt is too thick, dilute it because my family likes the popsicles on the crunchy side  Coconut Water or Juice 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Cooked and Sweetened Azuki Beans (Red Beans) 1 Tsp Quality Matcha (Green Tea Powder) Methods: Divide thin yogurt into two containers with pour spout or use a small funnel to pour as easy and as clean as possible In one container, mix thin yogurt, coconut liquid, and azuki beans together and taste In another container, mix think yogurt and matcha powder together and taste Note:  Make sure matcha powder are well incorporated Pour each mixture into its own popsicle mode or layer them but to do stir them together inside the popsicle mode for presentation Top it off without spilling Insert the popsicles cap/stick on/in  Put them in the freezer for at least 4-hour or overnight before enjoying them

Recipe: Fresh Watermelon Strawberry Popsicles

Fresh Watermelon Strawberry Popsicles Ingredients: Watermelon cubes 2cups Strawberry 6 medium size Strawberry 2-3 medium size thinly sliced sideway like a heart shape to fit into popsicle mode Kiwi 1 thinly sliced to fit inside popsicle mode Lemon Juice 1/2 of a lemon or 1 Tsp A pinch of Salt Methods: Clean, cut and taste all fruits for sweetness Remember to cut the strawberries and kiwi in think slice to fit inside the popsicle mode to be as pretty as possible Blend 2 cups of watermelon, 6 strawberries, lemon juice and salt in a blender until very smooth Drain the liquid through a fine mesh drainer to create smooth texture Note:  Pour into a container with a pour spout or use a small funnel to make pouring as easy and as clean as possible Place the strawberry and kiwi slices into each pop for fitting and look Pour the liquid into the mode; top it off without spilling Insert the popsicles cap/stick on/in  Put them in the freezer for at least 4-hour or overnight befo

Recipe: Minted Yogurt Sauce+++

Minted Yogurt Sauce Ingredients: 1 cup Greek Yogurt 1/2 cup finely chopped Mint Leaves 2 tsp minced Garlic 1 Tsp fresh Lemon Juice 1/2 tsp grounded Cumin 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper Kosher salt Freshly ground Black Pepper Methods: Combine all ingredients in an airtight container Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes before serving Store in the refrigerator for up to a week

Recipe: Grilled Asparagus and Prosciutto Cobb Salad+++

Grilled Asparagus and Prosciutto Cobb Salad Ingredients: Dressing (optional) 1/3 cup and 1 1/2Tsp EVOO 2 1/2Tsp White Wine Vinegar 1/2tsp Dijon Mustard 3/4tsp 1/2tsp and 1/4tsp Grounded Pepper 1 clove of finely chopped Garlic 1 1/2Tsp finely chopped Chives 1 1/2Tsp finely chopped Flat Lead Parsley Note:  Too much dressing and can cut to 1/2 or 1/3. 2 Eggs 1 lb Asparagus (snap the tough end apart) 1 bunches Green Onions 1 Small Lettuces 4 slices toasted Prosciutto lightly 2 sliced Avocados 6oz crumbled Mozzarella cheese 1/4 tsp Salt Methods: 1.  Bring pot of water to a boil 2.  Turn off and remove pot from heat, add eggs in slowly 3.  Cover the lid and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing them in cold water before peeling and quarter 4.  (Optional) Whisk 1/3 cup of EVOO, vinegar, mustard, 3/4tsp of salt, 1/2tsp of pepper, garlic, chives, and parsley together, set dressing aside 5.  In a baking sheet, put asparagus and green onions in with remaining o

Recipe: Watermelon Slushy Drink and Cold Drink++++

Watermelon Slushy Drink and Cold Drink Ingredients: 2 cups of Frozen Watermelon 2-4 leafs of Mint 1/4 cup Watermelon juice or Water Method: Blend all ingredients together for a cup of cold watermelon slushy drink. Note:  For the non-slushy drink, just replace frozen watermelon with non-frozen watermelon.  =)

Recipe: Simple Frangrant Cucumber-Tomato Salad+++

Simple Frangrant Cucumber-Tomato Salad Ingridents: Dressing- 3Tsp EVOO 1Tsp Lemon Juice 1/2tsp Dried Oregano Pinch of Salt 10 Halved Cherry Tomato 1 Diced English Cucumber Methods: 1.  Mix all dressing ingridents together and set aside before use 2.  Clean and diced cucumber and tomatoes 3.  In the serving bowl(s), mix vegetables together and add desirable amount of dressing 4.  Ready to serve Perfect match with pizza night!

Recipe: Homemade Strawberry Jam+++

Homemade Strawberry Jam I Ingridents: 2lbs Fresh Strawberries 4cup cups sugar 1 1/2cup real honey 1/2 Lemon juice Pinch of coarse salt Methods: Wash strawberries throughly in cold water Cut and trim strawberries into quarter for easy blending later Add 1 1/2 cups of sugar into the pot and let it stand to extract the juice if time allow If not, go to next step Put strawberries pieces into a blender to pause (depends of jam texture likeliness) Pour mixture into a tall heavy stockpot (in case of hot sugary overflow) Add all ingridents into the strawberries and stir well Slowly, bring the mixture to a boil Note:  Wear gloves and use lid to prevent hot liquid spilt/burn. Do not walk away, stay and stir until  jam thickens or until the mixture has the consistency of very loose jelly after 8 to 9 minutes or until the jam reaches 220F Skim foam from surface, if any Remove from heat Tips:  Clean up immediately for easy cle

Beverages: German - Erzeugerabfüllung White

Joh Jos Prüm (JJ) German wine Relishing Sweet Dry Grape - Erzeugerabfüllung White Erzeugerabfüllung (e saw e ga e tho lon) is a term from the wine-growing and means that all the grapes used grown in the same establishment, vinified and wine were expanded, which was also filled by this operation itself. The name is still allowed for wines which have been produced from wine cooperatives, provided that this is solely by the processed grapes whose members.

Blending - Aloha Cocktail or Pineapple Drink (Summer)

Summer Drinks Aloha Pineapple Juice Pineapple 1/2 can Peach 1 Lime/Lemon 2 slices Soy Milk 1 cup Chia Seed 1 Tsp Celery 4 stalks