
Showing posts with the label Breakfast

Recipe: Original Fluffy Pancakes (Serve 1-2) ++++

Original Fluffy Pancakes Serve 1-2 Ingredients: Dry Ingredients- All Purpose Flour 1 cups Baking Powder 1tsp Baking Soda Half of 1/4tsp Salt 1/2tsp Wet Ingredients- Egg White from 3 eggs Salt 1/4tsp Egg Yolks 1 Buttermilk 1/2cup Melted Unsalted Butter 1 1/2tsp (optional) Vanilla Extract 1/2tsp Maple Syrup 2tsp Note:  Adjust buttermilk portion as needed depending on the dryness/wetness of the batter. Method : Add all dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl:  All Purpose Flour 1 cups, Baking Powder 1tsp, Baking Soda 1/4tsp, Salt 1/2tsp.  Mix well and set aside. In another small mixing bowl, mix 1/3 cup of Buttermilk, 1/2tsp of Melted Unsalted Butter (optional), 1/2tsp of Vanilla Extract, 2tsp of Maple Syrup and 1 egg yolk.  Set aside. Crack 6 eggs and separate 3 egg whites into a smaller mixing bowl.  Discard 2 egg yolks and add 1 egg yolks in the wet ingredients bowl. Mix all wet ingredients together until incorporated. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredie

Recipe: Orange Zest Fluffy Pancakes (Serve 3-4) ++++

Orange Zest Fluffy Pancakes Serve 3-4 Ingredients: Dry Ingredients- All Purpose Flour 2 cups Baking Powder 2tsp Baking Soda 1/2tsp Salt 3/4tsp Orange Zest of 2 oranges Wet Ingredients- Egg White from 6 eggs Salt 1/4tsp Egg Yolks 2 Buttermilk 1/3cup Melted Unsalted Butter 3tsp Vanilla Extract 1/2tsp Maple Syrup 2tsp Orange Juice 3Tsp Note:  Adjust buttermilk or Orange Juice portion as needed depending on the dryness/wetness of the batter. Method : Add all dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl:  All Purpose Flour 2 cups, Baking Powder 2tsp, Baking Soda 1/2tsp, Salt 3/4tsp, and Orange Zest of 2 oranges.  Mix well and set aside. In another small mixing bowl, mix 1/3 cup of Buttermilk, 3tsp of Melted Unsalted Butter, 1/2tsp of Vanilla Extract, 2tsp of Maple Syrup, and 33Tsp of Orange Juice.  Set aside. Crack 6 eggs and separate 6 egg whites into a smaller mixing bowl.  Discard 4 egg yolks and add 2 egg yolks in the wet ingredients bowl. Mix all wet ingredi

Recipe: Tuna Croquettes (Tuna Patties)+++

Tuna Croquettes Tuna Patties  This pattie is too thick. Note:   A  croquette  is a small  breadcrumbed  fried food  roll  containing, usually as main ingredients,  mashed potatoes  or  ground meat  (veal, beef, chicken, or turkey),  shellfish ,  fish ,  cheese ,  vegetables , and mixed with  béchamel  or  brown sauce , [1]  and soaked  white bread ,  egg ,  onion , spices and herbs,  wine ,  milk ,  beer , or any of the combination thereof, sometimes with a filling, e.g. sautéed onions, mushrooms, or boiled eggs (Scotch eggs). Makes about 12 small thin patties Ingredients: 2 Small Potatoes 1 can Tuna in oil, drained, flaked 1/2 cup Corn 2 Spring Onions, chopped 1 egg 1 Lemon Zest 1 tsp Lemon Juice 2 tsp Dijon Mustard 1/2 cup Breadcrumbs 1/2 cup Breadcrumbs, for coating Salt Freshly ground Black Pepper 2 Tbsp EVOO Methods: Boil a pot of water to cook potatoes Wash potatoes and put them into the boiling water for about 20 minutes or until a skew is easily inserted in

Recipe: Homemade Strawberry Jam+++

Homemade Strawberry Jam I Ingridents: 2lbs Fresh Strawberries 4cup cups sugar 1 1/2cup real honey 1/2 Lemon juice Pinch of coarse salt Methods: Wash strawberries throughly in cold water Cut and trim strawberries into quarter for easy blending later Add 1 1/2 cups of sugar into the pot and let it stand to extract the juice if time allow If not, go to next step Put strawberries pieces into a blender to pause (depends of jam texture likeliness) Pour mixture into a tall heavy stockpot (in case of hot sugary overflow) Add all ingridents into the strawberries and stir well Slowly, bring the mixture to a boil Note:  Wear gloves and use lid to prevent hot liquid spilt/burn. Do not walk away, stay and stir until  jam thickens or until the mixture has the consistency of very loose jelly after 8 to 9 minutes or until the jam reaches 220F Skim foam from surface, if any Remove from heat Tips:  Clean up immediately for easy cle

Breakfast Ideas


Recipe: Homemade Organic Granola+++

Homemade Organic Granola Ingredients 4 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 2 cups sweetened shredded coconut 2 cups sliced almonds 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1/2 cup good honey Optional: 1 1/2 cups small diced dried apricots 1 cup small diced dried figs 1 cup dried cranberries 1 cup roasted, unsalted cashews Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Toss the oats, coconut, and almonds together in a large bowl/strong plastic bag.  So, no clean up. Add the oil and honey into the bowl/bag. Stir/toss to mix everything together and don't worry if it seems to need more liquid.  An Even coating is sufficient. Grease a medium  baking sheet pan lightly. Pour in the mixture and coat evenly on the sheet. Bake for 10 minutes and stir occasionally with a spatula, until the mixture turns a nice, even, golden brown for a total of 20 minutes. Remove the granola from the oven and it will continue to cook. Allow it to cool and s tir occasionally. Add the optional ingredients

Cooking Tips: SOFT Broiled Eggs Turned Off Boiling Water 10mins

SOFT Boiled Eggs Boiling water Turn off heat Lower egg into boiling water Remove from heat and Cover with lid For LC, cover with lid for 10mins

Recipe: Baked Eggs en Cocotte++

Baked Eggs en Cocotte Serve 1 Spinach (pre stir fried with EVOO) Sun Dried Tomato 6 slices Egg 1 Cream 1Tsp Salt & Pepper EVOO Preheat oven at 140F Wipe EVOO inside cocotte Place Cocotte in to preheat in oven for 5 minutes Place cooked spinach, tomato, egg, and cream Cover cocotte and put in oven for 5-8 minutes Once egg white turn white, ass salt & pepper to serve Serve with toast

Recipe: Potato Pancakes with Poached Egg

Potato Pancakes with Poached Egg Serve 2 Potato Pancakes: Potato 600g Remove skin and Juliann cuts Sakura Shrimp 500g Blench in water with salt Flour 30g Sparkling water 20ml Salt Butter 50g or change to EVOO Sour Cream Sauce: Cream 100g Sour Cream 50g Lemon juice 10ml Milk 50ml Poached egg: Eggs 2 Vinegar 2Tsp Smoked Salmon 2 slices Salmon Roe 1tsp Dill Steps: Preheat oven at 180F Crack egg in a bowl Broil water, add vinegar Turn boiling water to medium low heat Add one egg at a time When egg white turn white and yolk is medium cook, remove eggs and shock them in ice bath Once cooled, removed eggs for serving use Mixed all ingredients to make sour cream sauce and pending for serving use Mixed all pan cake ingredients Preheat pan in medium low heat Add EVOO Pour pan cake mix in Turn off the heat and put the pan into the preheated oven for 15 minutes Check on pan cake for golden brown color Turn pan cake and return to over for another 10 minu

Recipe: Breakfast Baked Eggs +++

Baked Eggs Baked Eggs Recipe courtesy Roger Mooking Total Time:19 min Prep:10 min Cook:9 min Level:Easy Yield:4 servings Ingredients 1 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 small shallot, thinly sliced 8 fresh eggs, at room temperature 1 plum tomato, seeded and finely diced 1 tablespoon butter 1/3 cup 35-percent whipping cream Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1/2 bunch fresh chives, finely sliced 4 slices toast Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Divide the vegetable oil and shallots evenly among 4 oven-proof wide-mouthed ramekins. Gently crack 2 eggs per ramekin. Divide the tomato, butter, and cream evenly among the ramekins. Season with salt, and pepper, and put in the oven for approximately 8 to 10 minutes, until eggs whites have set. Carefully, remove the ramekins from the oven and garnish with fresh sliced chives and serve immediately with toast.

Recipe: Congee 廣式白米粥

廣式白米粥 熬粥工序: 1、將淘好的米控干水分,加入少量色拉油混合攪拌,放上一個小時左右。 2、取一個保溫性良好的砂鍋,將米和等比例的水放入砂鍋後開小火。等砂鍋呈全熱狀態後開中火。 3、水煮開後,改成小火繼續熬,注意,其間不要讓水溢出來並且慢慢蓋上蓋子,但不要完全蓋住。約30至40分鐘後一鍋好粥就煲好了。要領是在煲粥的過程中盡量不要去翻攪。 煲白粥的水量界定 依照米和水的比例,可以煮出不同的粥。 最基本的白粥也就是所謂的全粥的米、水比例為1:5; 水分較多的七分粥米、水比例為1:7, 滑溜順口的五分粥的米、水比例為1:10 。