
Showing posts from February, 2010


Image 1967 天聲 TEP 3002 契爺與大小姐 ●契爺與大小姐>合唱:秦敏 ●藝海情鴛/張慧 ●紅裙艷/秦敏 ●夢會楊妃/譚家寶 ●淚影心聲/秦敏 ●利是大吉/秦敏、梁標 ●新潮扭腰舞/呂明光、秦敏、梁標 ●新彈院鐘聲/張慧 ●鳳閣恩仇/秦敏、梁標 ●一水隔天涯/秦敏 ●戲秋香 ●秋戀/秦敏 ●太太楂車/呂明光 ●飲多杯>合唱:白瑛、白鳳瑛、江綺媚、呂明光、林婉雯、秦敏、梁標   1974 文志 MCLP 10120分飛燕 ●分飛燕/張寶之 ●癡情淚/徐小鳳 ●勁草嬌花/徐小鳳 ●太太楂車/尹光 ●契爺與大小姐>合唱:秦敏 ●有苦無路訴/郭炳堅 ●禪院鐘聲/楊子 ●新禪院鐘聲/張慧 ●藝海情鴛/張慧 ●鳳閣恩仇/秦敏、梁標 ●麻雀大王/郭炳堅 ●疏星冷月/楊子 ●戲秋香 ●飲多杯>合唱:白瑛、白鳳瑛、江綺媚、呂明光、林婉雯、秦敏、梁標   1974 文志 MCLP10120 分飛燕 ●分飛燕/張寶之 ●癡情淚 ●勁草嬌花 ●太太渣車/尹光 ●契爺與大小姐/秦敏、鄭君綿 ●有苦無路訴/郭炳堅 ●襌院鐘聲/楊子 ●新禪院鐘聲/張慧 ●藝海情鴛/張慧 ●鳳閣恩仇/秦敏、梁標 ●麻雀大王/郭炳堅 ●疏星冷月/楊子 ●戲秋香/鄭君綿 ●飲多杯/尹光、白瑛、白鳳瑛、江綺媚、林婉雯、秦敏、梁標、鄭君綿 江綺媚-香江花月夜时长: 11:52播客: 爱粵曲的小妮播放: 27上传于: 2009-01-23   江成

Feb 7, 2010 2pm Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Wa.

Matinee:  Schumann's Symphony No. 3 Gerald Schwarz, conductor Seattle Symphony Ferruccio Busoni (布索尼) - Turandot (杜蘭朵) Suite The action takes place outside a city gate of Peking and inside the Emperor's palace. Turandot, is a proud, cruel Chinese princess who refuses to marry any suitors unless they can answer three impossible riddles. When they fail, she has them executed. But Calaf, Prince of Astrakhan, manages to woo her ("Turandot or death!"), answers the riddles, and wins her hand in marriage. Robert Schumann (舒曼) Orchestral works - Op. 97, Symphony No. 3 in E flat, Rhenish (1850)

Read: Aeschylus 埃斯庫羅斯 古希臘悲劇詩人

Aeschylus 埃斯庫羅斯 ( Αισχύλος , 前525年 — 前456年 ), 古希臘 悲劇詩人,與 索福克勒斯 和 歐里庇得斯 一起被稱為是古希臘最偉大的 悲劇 作家,有「悲劇之父」的美譽。 Aeschylus (pronounced /ˈɛskɨləs/ or /ˈiːskɨləs/, Greek: Αἰσχύλος, Aiskhulos, c. 525 BC/524 BC – c. 456 BC/455 BC) was an ancient Greek playwright. He is often recognized as the father of tragedy,[1][2] and is the earliest of the three Greek tragedians whose plays survive, the others being Sophocles and Euripides. According to Aristotle, he expanded the number of characters in plays to allow for conflict among them; previously, characters interacted only with the chorus. Only seven of an estimated seventy to ninety plays by Aeschylus have survived into modern times; one of these plays, Prometheus Bound, is widely thought to be the work of a later author.