Feb 7, 2010 2pm Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Wa.

Matinee:  Schumann's Symphony No. 3
Gerald Schwarz, conductor
Seattle Symphony

Ferruccio Busoni (布索尼) - Turandot (杜蘭朵) Suite
The action takes place outside a city gate of Peking and inside the Emperor's palace. Turandot, is a proud, cruel Chinese princess who refuses to marry any suitors unless they can answer three impossible riddles. When they fail, she has them executed. But Calaf, Prince of Astrakhan, manages to woo her ("Turandot or death!"), answers the riddles, and wins her hand in marriage.


Robert Schumann (舒曼)
Orchestral works - Op. 97, Symphony No. 3 in E flat, Rhenish (1850)


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