
Showing posts from April, 2010

Recipe: 合掌瓜越南魚露豬肉肉片 Stir Fried Chayote and Vietnamese Fish Sauce Pork

Stir Fried Chayote and Fish Sauce Pork 合掌瓜越南魚露豬肉肉片 Ingredients: Chayote 2 Pork slices 1 lb Carrot 1/2 stem Ginger 4 slices Garlic (sliced) 1 dice Chicken Broth/Powder (or water) 1/2 cup Sugar 1 tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White pepper Dash Fish Sauce Pork Marinade: Fish Sauce 3tsp Sugar Rock 1:1 ratio to Fish Sauce  Coconut Water 200ml Whole peppercorn 6 counts Method for Chayote: Cut pork into bite size and mixed all seasoning together into pork and set aside Cut chayote into half and rub the cut ends together to generate a thin layer of paste, wash it away Peel and de-seed chayote and sliced into long stripes Add salt to chayote to extract water for 5 minutes to create crispy texture Rinse chayote and set aside Peel and slice carrot Heat up the wok/pan on medium-high heat, add oil to the wok/pan Add seasoned pork to stir fried for 1 minute, turn to medium heat and add 200 ml of coconut water Stir fried to incorporate and let it cook for 10 minutes or until

Recipe: 蠔油雞翼+++

蠔油雞翼 材料﹕ 雞全翼4隻﹔ 蔥頭1粒﹔ 薑2片﹔ 油1/2湯匙   茨汁﹕ 蠔油 1 1/2湯匙﹔ 白酒 1/2湯匙﹔ 水125毫升﹔ 老抽 1/2湯匙﹔ 水1/4茶匙   做法﹕ 1. 清潔抹乾雞翼,每隻切成5件。 2. 拍爛蔥頭及薑片。 3. 準備茨汁。 4. 燒熱2湯匙,爆香蔥頭及薑片約 1/2 分鐘。 5. 加入雞翼爆香2分鐘。 6. 加入茨汁慢火炆約15分鐘。

April 13, 2010 Hearing Senate on WaMu Failure in 2008


Recipe: 蕃茄醬炒蝦++++

蕃茄醬炒蝦 材料:蝦一斤、蔥、姜、蒜、蕃茄醬 做法: 0.剪去頭先 1.先用油爆蔥、姜、蒜 2.放入蝦炒一會,直至蝦變成紅色 3.放約三至四湯匙蕃茄醬, 以及少許鹽巴 4.待醬汁煮至濃稠即可盛起