Recipe: Canton Pickles 廣東泡菜/涼拌黃瓜

Canton Pickles 廣東泡菜/涼拌黃瓜
The top small container is one clove of garlic pickle.

Carrots 紅蘿蔔 300g
Radishes/Daikons 白蘿蔔(Peeled/去皮淨重)600g
English Cucumbers 小黃瓜 300g
Salt/鹽 2Tsp/大匙
Cold Drinking Water/冷開水

Sugar/砂糖 200 ml
White Vinegar/白醋 160 ml
Cold Drinking Water/冷開水 240 ml
Salt/鹽 1tsp/小匙


  1. Rinse, peel and cut carrots, radishes into thick julienne and place them into a mesh strainer.  Add 1-2 Tsp of salt and mix.  Set aside to extract water for approximately 15 minutes.   紅蘿蔔與白蘿蔔切厚條,放入大濾網中,拌入鹽1-2大匙,靜置15分鐘。
  2. Rinse and deseed the cucumbers with a spoon.  Cut cucumbers into thick julienne and place them into a mesh strainer.  Add 1-2 Tsp of salt and mix.  Set aside to extract water for approximately 15 minutes.  小黃瓜切厚條,另外放入大濾網中,拌入鹽1-2大匙,靜置15分鐘。
  3. Mix seasoning together in a container with pouring spout:  200ml of Sugar, 160ml of White Vinegar, 240ml of cold drinking water, and 1tsp of salt.  Stir liquid until all sugar is dissolved.  Set aside.  將所有調味料混合在一個有倒口容器內:  砂糖 200 ml,白醋 160 ml, 冷開水 240 ml, 鹽 1小匙。攪拌至砂糖溶解,拌勻即成泡菜水。置在一旁。
  4. 15 minutes later, discard the excess water from carrots, radishes, and cucumbers.  Rinse ingredients under cold water to remove salt.  Drain well.  Use a kitchen towel/paper to absorb water.   15分鐘後, 用冷水將蘿蔔塊與黃瓜上的鹽份沖洗乾淨,瀝乾。
  5. Once the ingredients are padded dry, put carrots, radishes, and cucumbers into the empty mason jar.  Then, pour the seasoning into the jar.  Close the lid and put the jar in the refrigerator for a minimum of 6 hours to overnight.  當配料瀝乾後, 將紅蘿蔔, 白蘿蔔與黃瓜放入空的容器中。倒入泡菜水, 蓋上蓋子。放入冰箱浸泡約6小時或隔夜即可。


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