
Showing posts from October, 2009

Being Powerful

Forget the idea that being powerful is about how rich or important you are – isn’t about landing the corner office but about stoking an internal fire. What I find powerful is a person with grace, with courage, with the confidence to be her own self and to make things happen. - Oprah

Recipe: Grilled Salmon Fillet with Honey Mustard Sauce ++

Grilled Salmon Fillet with Honey Mustard Sauce   Ingredients 1/4 cup Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons whole-grain mustard 3 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish, drained 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint leaves Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 pound fillet salmon, skin on 2 tablespoons canola oil 1 bunch watercress, coarsely chopped 1 small red onion, halved and thinly sliced 2 tablespoons aged sherry vinegar 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Directions Whisk together the mustard, honey, horseradish, mint and 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper in a small bowl.  Let sit for at least 15 minutes before using.  Can be made 1 day in advance and refrigerated but do not add the mint until just before using.  Bring to room temperature before using. Heat the grill to high. Brush the salmon with the oil and season with salt and pepper.  Place the salmon on the grill, skin side down, and gril

Recipe: 九層塔茄子, 好味! +++++

九層塔茄子 材料: 2至3隻 茄子 1大棵 九層塔(即羅勒, basil) 1/2茶匙 磨豉醬 1/2茶匙 辣豆瓣醬 (如果喜歡吃辣,可加多一點) 1/2茶匙 蒜蓉 水適量 調味料: 1茶匙 生抽 1/2茶匙 糖 1/2茶匙 生粉(即太白粉,粟粉) 1/8茶匙 鹽 1湯匙 水 麻油少許 做法: 1. 先把茄子洗凈,切斜片。在冷開水中放點鹽,把切好的茄子片放進,浸一會兒。(這樣處理過的茄子,吃起來就不會令舌頭有痕癢的怪怪感覺。因為有些人對茄子敏感的。) 2. 洗凈九層塔,只摘取葉備用。 3. 燒滾一鍋油,不用太多,只需能浸過茄子。記得把浸過鹽水的茄子片,瀝乾水份。否則放入熱油中,滾油會飛濺出來,很危險啊!小心,小心! 4. 把茄子放入熱油中,稍微走油(即稍稍炸一會),茄子微軟,撈起。放在廚房紙上,把油吸乾。 5. 倒出鍋中的油,只剩約一湯匙,放下蒜蓉,磨豉醬和辣豆瓣醬爆香。聞到香味後,放下茄子兜炒,加點水,略煮至軟。倒進調味料埋一薄獻(勾芡)。熄火,加入九層塔,利用鍋中餘熱,兜炒一會,上碟。 溫馨提示: 1. 九層塔不宜煮得太熟,否則不好吃。太生的話,很多人不能接受。用鍋中餘熱炒九層塔就最好不過。 2. 炸過的茄子煮起來就不會變黑。而炸過的油很清潔,可以再循環用作炒餸菜。

Recipe: 苦瓜牛肉+++

苦瓜牛肉   材料: 苦瓜1根, 牛肉二两, 盐少许, 酱油少许, 生粉少许, 清水半碗, 油 some balck beans。 步骤: 1.苦瓜切片,用少许盐拌匀,待用; 2.牛肉切薄片,用生粉、酱油腌制3-5分钟,待用; 3.放油微炒牛肉片,至8成熟,肉片变色起锅 ;(油要多至生粉不粘锅) 4.放油到干净的锅中,油热后,放入苦瓜片翻炒; 5.苦瓜片变色后加入牛肉,翻炒匀; 6.放入半碗清水煮,水基本干后起锅。