
Showing posts from June, 2014

Recipe: Lemon Chicken Wings【檸檬雞翼】by 吾淑吾食 (ReEdited)+++

Lemon Chicken 檸檬雞翼: Ingredients 材料: 3lbs Chicken Wings (mid-section)雞中翼 8 slices of Lemon 檸檬 8 slices of Ginger 薑 Salt and Pepper Seasonings 調味: 2Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 老抽 2Tsp Soy Sauce Paste 酱油膏 (to min. liquid output) 2Tsp Oyster Sauce 蠔油 1.5 to 2 sticks of Brown Sugar 片糖 Cooking Oil 1/2tsp Chicken Broth Powder Steps 做法: 1) Towel dry the wings and sprinkle with chicken broth powder and put wings in 350F oven for 5 minutes on each side to pre-cook the wings and extract moist (edited).  Sprinkle some salt and pepper to enhance flavor. 把雞翼洗乾,瀝乾水備用。  Sprinkle some salt and pepper on. 2) Wipe clean the lemon skin and cut lemon into medium think slices 檸檬洗淨外皮,連皮切片備用。 3) Wipe clean the ginger and cut into medium think slices 薑洗淨外皮,連皮切片備用。 4) Mix the seasoning together 把上述調味先用碗混在一起備用。 5) Pre-melt brown sugar sticks.  Add oil to stir fried pan.  Once heated, add the ginger slices in.  A minute later, add all the wings in and stir fried them under both sides are golden c

2014 0622 My Road to Get to Know LC - Grand Opening!

I had been reading and seeing plenty of information about LC from professional and the fans. In real honesty, I was stalling a bit because I don't want to ruin the beautiful LC.  It was my first and it was a gift.  However, the more I read about it.  I became confident that I can do it too.  Cooking with LC is a process, a journey.  You will be rewarded with patient and thoughtfulness.   Today, my action begins.   Grand Opening! I laid a dish towel in sink to let my Cherry Flying Heart casserole (2QT) "sink in."  So, my heart is steady and at ease to avoid any scratches.  Next, I lightly clean it with warm soupy water and a sponge.  A label is at bottom of the casserole.  A LC orange label is in the front of it.  They both need to be removed.  The LC label should be fairly easy to be peel off.  The label at bottom can be removed with the warm soupy water and a little push with my finger nail.   Once cleaned, I dried it with a dish towel and let it air.  Re

Recipe: TJ Pizza Dough Homemade Pizza+++

TJ Pizza Dough Homemade Pizza Preheat oven at 450F Set rack on top 1/3 in oven It is important to Grease the pizza pan or lay a foil on pan or pizza stone to avoid pizza dough sticking  to the pan. Apply EVOO on dough and pizza sauce Place desired toppings onto the dough Note:  avoid toppings that yield too much liquid, soggy dough is not good eats Put pizza into oven for 13 mins Brush crust with olive oil and crack egg or put prosciutto onto pizza Bake another 3-5 mins Rest 2 mins before serving Other combo ideas: Tomato Balsamic sauce Chicken n Eggplant  Grilled Mushrooms Onion  n Fontina Smoked Oyster with thin Garlic slices and Pepper Flakes Below Clockwise: Caprese, Salami with grilled tomato  🍅 and Egg, Smoked Oyster with Garlic slices and Pepper Flakes, RepeatSalami and crisscrosses Prosciutto