Recipe: Lemon Chicken Wings【檸檬雞翼】by 吾淑吾食 (ReEdited)+++

Lemon Chicken 檸檬雞翼:

Ingredients 材料:
3lbs Chicken Wings (mid-section)雞中翼
8 slices of Lemon 檸檬
8 slices of Ginger 薑
Salt and Pepper

Seasonings 調味:
2Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 老抽
2Tsp Soy Sauce Paste 酱油膏 (to min. liquid output)
2Tsp Oyster Sauce 蠔油
1.5 to 2 sticks of Brown Sugar 片糖

Cooking Oil
1/2tsp Chicken Broth Powder

Steps 做法:
1) Towel dry the wings and sprinkle with chicken broth powder and put wings in 350F oven for 5 minutes on each side to pre-cook the wings and extract moist (edited).  Sprinkle some salt and pepper to enhance flavor.
把雞翼洗乾,瀝乾水備用。  Sprinkle some salt and pepper on.
2) Wipe clean the lemon skin and cut lemon into medium think slices
3) Wipe clean the ginger and cut into medium think slices
4) Mix the seasoning together
5) Pre-melt brown sugar sticks.  Add oil to stir fried pan.  Once heated, add the ginger slices in.  A minute later, add all the wings in and stir fried them under both sides are golden color
Note:  Pan fried the wings will make the chicken skin tighten.
6) Add the lemon slices in, stir them.  Add all the seasoning in.  Turn to medium heat.  Stir fried and cover the pan with a lid.  Couple minutes, stir again.  Repeat this process two times.  Let the wings soak in the sauce for flavor and color.
Notes:  Do not add water because the frozen wings will defrost.  So, no additional water.
7)  When the sauce becomes bubbly on the edge, it is time to turn off the heat for plating.  Keep overnight to boost flavor

I meant to grab the wings from the shelves.  That's ok.  They are as tasty. 

This is my second dishes with the dark soy sauce and wings.  It looked better and tasted as good.


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