2014 0622 My Road to Get to Know LC - Grand Opening!

I had been reading and seeing plenty of information about LC from professional and the fans.
In real honesty, I was stalling a bit because I don't want to ruin the beautiful LC.  It was my first and it was a gift.  However, the more I read about it.  I became confident that I can do it too.  Cooking with LC is a process, a journey.  You will be rewarded with patient and thoughtfulness.
Today, my action begins.
Grand Opening!
I laid a dish towel in sink to let my Cherry Flying Heart casserole (2QT) "sink in."  So, my heart is steady and at ease to avoid any scratches.  Next, I lightly clean it with warm soupy water and a sponge.  A label is at bottom of the casserole.  A LC orange label is in the front of it.  They both need to be removed.  The LC label should be fairly easy to be peel off.  The label at bottom can be removed with the warm soupy water and a little push with my finger nail.
Once cleaned, I dried it with a dish towel and let it air.  Remembered!  Letting cast iron in moist environment, it will rust.  So, keep the three little plastic lid rests for ventilation during storage. 
Now, the heart is ready to "fly."

My first trial is making breakfast with sausage and stirred fried eggs.

1.  Put on a low heat to warm up the "heart" with some oil.  In this case, I am using olive oil.
2.  Turn up a heat a little once I felt the warm up.
Note:  Only use a heat resistance spatula or a wood utensil to cook with LC.  You don't want to ruin the interior enamel.
As seen in picture, no need for caption. 
3.  My beaten eggs with seasoning (salt & pepper) are ready to go in.  At this time, the casserole is with adequate heat.  LC is very good at keeping the heat.  Once poured in, there should be no much reaction because I did not turn up the heat.  I wanted my eggs to be moist and runny.
4.  Start pushing the egg from the edge to the center.  The liquid egg will fill in the blank.  Do this until, there is not much liquid.  Depends on how runny you want, you may remove the casserole from the heat.  Fold the eggs or dish it up.  It is up to your liking.  I folded it and then dish up.
Yes, I can.  I've done it too.  Cooking with LC.  A meal with a view on Sunday morning is all thumbs up! 
 While the "heart" is still warm and before I eat, I put some hot water in it to soak on the stove.  So, it will be easier to clean after I have a full tummy.  Here is after it cool off, I put it in the sink.

Like I learned, cooking with LC is a process, a journey.  You will be rewarded with patient and thoughtfulness.
5.  Only use a soft dish cloth and some soapy water to clean the LC.  For tougher food stain, use baking powder and water.  Soak it over night.  The stain should be remove easily.

Warning:  Never put a heated "heart"/LC under cold water to wash.  Or else, you will have two broken hearts.


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