Recipe: Braised Oxtails in Red Wine+++

Braised Oxtails in Red Wine
This is a dish made to impress and taste good with wow factor.  It is so easy to make.  Key to success is the time in the oven for about 2.5-3 hours.

1 Oxtail
Herbs:  Rosemary and Thymes and Bay leave
Salt and Pepper
1 cup Dry Red Wine (i.e. Syrah)
1 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar
Vegetables: 1 medium size Carrots dice, 1 Onion diced, 1-2 stalk of Celery dice (keep the leave)
Regular Flour (light coat on both side of oxtail pieces) or Fine Flour
1 Tsp Tomato paste or 1 can of diced Tomato with juice
1/2 teaspoon Chicken Broth Mix powder
1 can/14.5oz Chicken/Beef Broth
2-3 cloves of Garlic (lightly press to break)

1. Preheat over to 450F or 500F if available (Note: DO not use broiler setting); clean and prepare vegetables

2. Seasoned oxtail with salt generously and pepper all over and dust on a light layer of flour (optional)

3. Seared the oxtail for color with a medium-low heat pan with LC

4. Remove golden oxtail to side.  Do NOT clean the pan

5. Add all vegetable and 2-3 cloves of garlic into the same pot over low heat and stir with salt and pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of chicken powder; cook until onion is transparent for about 5-8 minutes

6. Add 1 cup of red wine and 1 Tsp Tomato paste or 1 can of diced Tomato with juice; let it boil and taste.  Re-season if needed.  Then, add all the herbs in the pot

7. Add the oxtail back in the pot; arrange it for presentation is optional

8. Add the broth to the pot
Note:  Make sure the liquid should be around two third of the oxtail

9. Cover the pot with the preheated oven on the middle rack for a total of 2.5 hours at 350F(decreased)

10.  One hour later, check to ensure not too much liquid or not drying out
Note:  Using LC should not have this issue.  If too much liquid, open the lid and monitor.  If drying out, add more chicken broth or wine in and close lid to continue

11. Another hour later, turn the oven to 300F

12.  Check in again in the last 30 minutes and add balsamic vinegar to taste.

13. When time is up, the meat should easily separate from the bone.  (Note:  If desire the meat to fall off the bone, keep in oven for another 30mins for a total of 3 hours over time.)  Then, it is ready to remove from oven.  Garnish is optional and serve.


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