Beverages: Grapes Interests

Three Great Basic White Grapes
50 60 people love riesling for its sweetness
80 90s people don't like sweet wine and changed to Chardonnay
Later enginerred to dry riesling
Sauvignon Blanc
Tiny grapes with concentrate flavor
Made them hard to gow by not watering much and roots has to grow deeper
Crisp Acidity Dry Fruityness Pineapple Brightness Fresh Light
Good to drink before eating to wake up the platelet
Creamy as in texture
Buttery as in rounded rich flavor
Malolactic - 2nd fermentation during which bacteria  convert malic acid into the gentler lactic acid
Three Great Red Grapes
Pinot Noir (pea nor wa)
Red cherry to dark cherry Red plum to Black plum Peppery Earth tone
Most difficult to grow and to make
Merlot (mer low)
Red Plum Hard
Cabernet Sauvignon
Famous French
Taning taste
Fermentation is yeast converts the grape sugar into alcohol  amd carbon dioxide.  Stopping fermentation  early leaves sweetness in the wine.
Vintage is the affect of the weather.  Every year is suppose to be different.
Terroir (terr wa) is every aspect of the land where the grape grow like the soil, the slope, the vegetation around the grape, wind and temperature, etc.

Late-disgorged means the wine aged on the lees longer than usual, resulting in additional layers of aromas and flavors. 

Maitre d'Hotel
Store wine at a constant temperature  below 60 avoid sunlight and vibration as they affect the wine.


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