Recipe: Clay Pot Rice 煲仔飯+++


材料(1-2人份):Rice 米   1杯 (正常米杯)
Water 水   2.5杯 (Note:  Rice: Water is 1:1)
潤腸     1條
臘腸     1條
雞肉     400g 

雞肉調味料:生抽、 老抽、蠔油、花雕酒     各1/2湯匙
麻油    1茶匙
黃糖    1茶匙
胡椒     少許
生粉     1/2 湯匙

煲仔飯豉油調味 (optional):豉油   3 湯匙
砂糖   2 茶匙
味淋   2 湯匙 (也可用2 茶匙砂糖來代替)
Note:  The 臘腸臘肉 already has enough flavor.  The juice gets into the rice.  So, I decided to skip the seasoning.

LC Cooking Rice
Rice and Water Ratio 1:1
At home, I used Japanese short grain rice.  Thre is no need to soak rice for 30 minutes.  Optional:  Season chicken for 10 minutes.  If time allows, soak rice in water for 30mins before cooking to rehydrate the rice.  If not, it is okay to skip this step. 

Put rice and water in LC on MEDIUM heat with lid on to get started

Water started to bubble in about 5 minutes

Slowly stir the bottom of the LC to avoid sticky bottom

Cook for 5mins, open the lid
  1. Uncover the lid and rice should be almost cooked but still moist
  2. Add meat on top of rice
  3. Cover the lid for 3 minutes
  4. Turn up heat to medium-low for 10 minutes to finish up cooking
  5. Turn off the heat and keep lid on for 8 minutes before serving

For crispy rice patty 飯焦, keep low heat for another 5 minutes.
Optional:  Heat up the seasoning to serve


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