Cooking Tips: Cooking Salmon ++++

Cooking Salmon
By Bouchon


  • The thinnest part of the fillet should not measure less than 1/2 inch thick; if the think belly flap has been left on the fish, trim it as necessary.
  • The fish is done when the bottom is crispy and the fillet is cooked about halfway up the flesh; the top should still be rare.


  1. If the salmon is cold, let it stand at room temperature for about 15 minutes before cooking
  2. Season the skinned side of the fillets with salt and white pepper
  3. Season the other side with salt only
  4. Heat 1/8 inch of canola oil in a large nonstick skillet
  5. When oil is hot, place the salmon skinned side down and cook on one side only for 5 to 6 minutes; regulate the temperature, turning it down as necessary to keep the edges from browning too quickly
  6. The fish is done when the bottom is crispy and the fillet is cooked about halfway up the flesh; the top should still be rare

Note:  The side may looked 60% cooked at 4 minutes.  Turn down the heat to complete the full 6 minutes for a medium rare doneness.

Cooking Salmon

In a hot LC pan with light oil
Seared all sides of salmon except the skin part for color
Place salmon skin side down
Add julienned scallion and whole cherry tomatoes in the pan
Put into a 425F oven for 6 minutes
Check for doneness
Remove from oven and cover with foil loosely to let it rest for no more than five minutes
Add a little drizzle of EVOO and Ages balsamic Vinegar onto salmon and vegetables
Serve on a bed of pasta


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