Beverages: Pomegranate Juice+++++

Simple Pomegranate Juice
1 serving

Pomegranate 1
Tips:  Look for pretty red and heavy for its size pomegranate
Sparkling water 1/4 cup (optional)
Water or Ice 1/4 cup

Wear black clothing or an apron
Paring knife
Wooden Spoon Spatulas
Fine mesh drainer
Small spoon/folk
Medium or Large size mixing bowl

1.  Use a paring knife to cut only about 1/8" into the midsection of the pomegranate around the circumference.  By doing this, it will not cut the pomegranate into half.

2.  Put the paring knife aside.

3.  Use both hands to separate the pomegranate into half.   This will not cut the seeds and avoid the juice mess.

4.  Put the half-pomegranate skin up over the mixing bowl.

5.  Use the wooden spoon spatulas to beat the skin until all seeds are out.

6.  Use small spoon/fork to help remove the stubborn seeds.  Remove membrane if fallen into the bowl.
Notes:  Some people will flood the bowl with water to let the membrane to float for easy collection.  I dislike it because it will dilute my precious juice.  This cup of health tasty juice made me work for it.  I am keeping every single drop of this red goodies.  =)

7.  Once all seeds are out of the whole pomegranate, save approximately 1 tsp of seeds for decoration (optional).  Then, take the rest of the seeds and 1/4 cup of water or ice to the blender/juicer on high until the there is no more seed but liquid.

8.  Remove the liquid and drain it through a fine mesh drainer to filter out the seed breakdown.

9.  Pour the pure juice into a glass and mix with sparkling water if desired.  

10.  Serve immediately and clean after.  Fresh juice needs to be consumed sooner than later before it started to weaken it's precious nutrition value.

Pomegranate seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber (20% DV) which is entirely contained in the edible seeds. The seeds are full of nutritional benefits conveyed by the seed fiber and micronutrients, but I do not like the texture.  However, the seed fiber can be used when baking.  For example, Pom muffin.

In conclusion, this is more work than pouring out from a bottle/carton of juice, but this is much much healthier and tastier.  With one sip, you will know what I mean.  From this basic juice, it will lead to many different fusion drinks with or without alcohol.


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