Recipe: 粉絲蝦米煮節瓜 Dried Shrimp and Furry Melon with Bean Thread+++++

Dried Shrimp and Furry Melon with Bean Thread

粉絲 Bean Thread/Green Bean Noodles 2 brunches
蝦米 Dried Small/Medium Shrimp 1 hand full
節瓜 Furry Melon 1 large or 2 small
薑 Ginger 1 big slice
蝦米水 Water from Soaking Dried Shrimps 1/2 cup
雞湯 Chicken Broth 2 cups
油 Oil 1Tsp
鹽 Salt 1/2tsp
糖Sugar 1/2tsp

1.  Rinse dried shrimps and soak in 1/2 cup of water for 10 minutes
2.  Soak bean threads in cold water
3.   Remove "fur" from furry melon and julienne cut melon, set aside
4.  Drain the dried shrimps but Keep the water
5.  In a frying pan, heat oil over medium-high heat and add ginger
6.  Add dried shrimps and stir fried well for 1 minute
7.  Add melon into stir fried for 30 seconds
8.  Add 1/2 cup of dried shrimp water  and 2 cups of chicken broth in and cover to cook for 4 minutes
9.  Drain bean thread and cut into three sections and set aside
10. Add 1/2tsp of salt and sugar in and stir well
11. Put bean thread on top of the mixture, DO NOT stir
12. Cover and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes
13. Remove lid and  mix all ingredients together
14. Cover and cook for 1 more minute
15. Serve immediately


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