
Showing posts from January, 2017

Recipe: 南乳粗"齋"++

南乳粗"齋" Note:  提前一天做味道更好 。 材料: 黃芽白 菜 10 片   洗乾淨 切段 發菜 1 包  浸 洗乾淨 揸乾水待用 枝竹 1支  浸軟切 成長條 竹笙 8-10 支  浸 洗乾淨, 去除硬塊 罐裝蘑菇 1 罐 去皮 馬蹄  1 罐 豆腐卜  1 包  一開二 雲耳 1 抓  浸 洗乾淨,  切絲 木耳 1 抓  浸 洗乾淨,  切絲 粉絲 2 束  浸 薑 2厚片 蒜頭 2粒 拍扁 黑豆蔭油膏 3茶匙 油 共3湯匙 (炒菜及爆南乳) 醋 1 湯匙 南乳醬材料: 南乳 2-3 片  搓爛 南乳 汁 2 湯匙 煮齋 醬 材料: 油 2 湯匙 紹酒 2湯匙 鹽  1 1/2 茶匙 糖  1 茶匙 水 1 1/2杯 生粉水 1茶匙生粉  1茶匙 水 做法: 1.  用一小鍋煲1杯水,  下 醋 和 竹 笙 去除腥味。水煮沸 後, 熄火蓋上 20分鐘 。   瀝乾待用 。 2.  用一小鍋煲1-2杯水,  每次使用新的熱水分開熱燙以下 材料: a. 紹 菜,  馬蹄 ,  蘑菇,   雲耳,  木耳 b.  發菜,  粉絲 c.  豆腐卜 d. 枝竹 瀝乾待用 。 3.  將南乳搓爛,下酒及油,攪勻 備用 。 4.  燒熱鑊,下1湯匙油及1塊薑片,放入黃芽白,爆香,灒酒後炒1 1/2分鐘,放入大煲備用。 5.  燒熱鑊,下1/2湯匙油,爆雲耳、木耳半分鐘,轉入大煲,備用。 6.  燒熱鑊,下1湯匙油、1塊薑片、蒜頭,聞到蒜頭香時放入南乳醬,炒醬45秒,轉入大煲。 7.  材料放入大煲後,加入水,用中火煮滾。 8.  放入 豆腐卜、枝竹,  竹笙 , 馬蹄,  加上蓋,中火煮5分數。 9.  在大煲放入發菜,加蓋煮2分鐘。 臨上菜前... 10. 用一小煲,放入水及麻油,中火煮滾後放入粉絲煮1分鐘。 11. 粉絲倒入大煲,將各種材料撈勻,放入黑豆蔭油膏,再撈勻。 12. 加蓋,煮1分鐘 。 13. 轉小 火 下 生粉水 撈勻。 14. 上菜。

Recipe: Onion Pork Chop 洋蔥豬排+++

Onion Pork Chop  洋蔥豬排 Ingredients: Pork Chop 2 to 3 pieces  Note:  Used thick cut pork chop in this recipe Yellow Onion 2 Note:  I love onion.  A normal recipe will use about 1 1/2 medium size onion. Pork Chop Seasoning: Salt and Pepper Soy Sauce 1tsp White Pepper  tsp Cooking Wine 1Tsp Oil Worcestershire Sauce 2tsp Oyster Sauce 2tsp Corn Starch 1Tsp Water 1Tsp Methods: 1.  Cut onion into slices. 2.  Use paper towel to dry off the pork chops. 3.  Use a meat pounder to pound on both side of the pork chops. 4.  Cut a single silt in the center edge on each pork chop.  So, it will not curl up when cooking. 5.  Season the pork chops with the seasoning for about 20 minutes. 6.  Prepare a frying pan and heat it with oil on medium high. 7.  Once the oil yields smoke, pull it away from the heat and add the pork chops in. 8.  Pan fried for 5 minutes  or until golden brown on each side, and the internal temperature is approximately 140F. 9.  Remove from pan and set

Recipe: BBQ Pork 叉燒+++++

BBQ Pork  叉燒 Marinate for at least 8 hours in advance Total bake time is 1 hour Ingredients: 1 lb of pork butt  梅頭肉 1 Tsp of honey 1/2 Tsp Warm Water Sauce: 2 cubes of Chinese Fermented Red Bean Curd  紅腐乳 2 Tsp of Chinese Fermented red Bean Curd Juice 1 Tsp of Oyster Sauce 1 Tsp of Soy Sauce 1 Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 1 Tsp of Shaoxing Wine 2 Tsp of Honey 4 Tsp of Sugar Pinch of Five-Spice Powder  五香粉  Pinch of White Pepper  白胡椒  1 clove of Minced Garlic  Methods: 1.  Use a fork to poke the pork on top and bottom.  Be gentle and not to break the pork structure. 2.  In a small mixing bowl, add all sauce ingredients together and mix well. 3.  Remove 5 Tsp of sauce mixture and store in another container for use at least 8-hours later. 4.  Pour the rest of the sauce mixture in a big zip lock bag. 5.  Place the pork butt into the zip lock bag to marinate for at least 8-hours or overnight in the refrigerator.  6.  Take the pork butt out from the refrigerator to rest before bak

Recipe: Quick Phở++++

Phở 3 servings Ingredients: 2 packs of Vietnamese  Phở Soup Paste 9 cups of water 1 bag or 16oz of fresh Rice Stick Noodles 1 bag of rinsed Bean Sprouts 1 pack of Beef Balls 2 branches of Basil 1 Lime quartered Serve with: Hoisin Sauce Sriracha Easy Methods: Note:  Best to line up everything for quick execution because  Phở is best when hot but the noodles get soggy when it sits for too long.  Soggy noodles are not good eats. 1.  Boil water. 2.  Set chopsticks, spoons, sauces, clean basil branches, clean bean sprouts and quartered lime on the table. 3.  Place bowls/LC small pots (i.e. 14BB) by the boiling water.   Note:  LC cast iron pots are perfect for maintaining heat.  Preheat LC with some water in it. 4.  Distribute the desired amount of noodle  in each bowl/LC. Note:  It is very important not to cook noodle.  It only needs to heat up by the piping hot broth. 5.  When the water is boiling, add two packs of soup paste in and stir to dissolve.

Recipe: Crunchy Chicken Tenders++++

Crunchy Chicken Tenders This dish is great on a Game Day. Ingredients: 2 Tsp EVOO 1 Egg 6 slices of Chicken Tenders 2 cloves of minced Garlic 1/2 tsp Salt 1/4 tsp Chicken Powder (optional) 3 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar Freshly Grounded Black Pepper 3/4 cup Italian-style Seasoned Bread Crumbs Methods: 1.  Place baking sheet on top rack and preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. 2.  Brush a thin layer of oil on a baking sheet. 3.  Pat dried the chicken tenders with a paper towel. 4.  Season the chicken tender with salt, pepper, and chicken powder (optional) on both sides. 5.  Whisk an egg in a shallow dish/plate to coat the chicken tender in.  Set aside. 6.  Put the Italian style seasoned bread crumbs in anther shallow dish/plate to coat the tender in.  Set aside. Note:  Best to put the dishes in the following order.  Chicken tenders whisked egg, breadcrumbs and baking sheet in single file. 7.  Add the chicken tenders into the egg first to (wet) coat, then put tender onto bread

Recipe: Clay Pot Rice 鹹魚 魷魚肉餅煲仔飯+++

Clay Pot Rice 鹹魚 魷魚肉餅煲仔飯 Ingridents: Minced Pork Note:  Best with some pork fat Diced Dried Squid Slice of Salty Fish Think strips of Ginger 4 Diced Green Onion 1/2 branch Rice 1 cup Water 1 cup Seasoning for Minced Pork: Water 1Tsp Salt 1/2tsp Sugar 1/2tsp Corn Starch 2 tsp Soy Sauce 1Tsp Vegetable Oil 1Tsp Sesame Oil 1/2Tsp Clay Pot Rice Sauce 珠油: Soy Sauce 1Tsp Oyster Sauce 1Tsp Chicken Powder 1/2tsp Sugar 1/4tsp Water 1/4 cup Method: 1.  Soak rice in water for about 30 minutes and drain for 15 minutes. 2.  Place the minced pork in a medium size mixing bowl to allow room to toss and turn. 3.  Add 1Tsp of water into the minced pork to improve mix fluency. 4.  Add all dry seasoning one by one into minced pork and keep mixing by hand/chopsticks with each seasoning. 5.  Add the vegetable oil in and mix to incorporate. 6.  Add the sesame oil in and mix well. 7.  Add dried squid in and mix well. 8.  Incorporate the seasoned minced pork into a ball by h