Recipe: Onion Pork Chop 洋蔥豬排+++

Onion Pork Chop 洋蔥豬排

Pork Chop 2 to 3 pieces 
Note:  Used thick cut pork chop in this recipe
Yellow Onion 2
Note:  I love onion.  A normal recipe will use about 1 1/2 medium size onion.

Pork Chop Seasoning:
Salt and Pepper
Soy Sauce 1tsp
White Pepper  tsp
Cooking Wine 1Tsp


Worcestershire Sauce 2tsp
Oyster Sauce 2tsp

Corn Starch 1Tsp
Water 1Tsp

1.  Cut onion into slices.
2.  Use paper towel to dry off the pork chops.
3.  Use a meat pounder to pound on both side of the pork chops.
4.  Cut a single silt in the center edge on each pork chop.  So, it will not curl up when cooking.
5.  Season the pork chops with the seasoning for about 20 minutes.
6.  Prepare a frying pan and heat it with oil on medium high.
7.  Once the oil yields smoke, pull it away from the heat and add the pork chops in.
8.  Pan fried for 5 minutes or until golden brown on each side, and the internal temperature is approximately 140F.
9.  Remove from pan and set it aside.
10. In the same pan, add oil if needed.  Then, add the onion in to cook for about 8 minutes in medium heat or until golden and soft.
11. Add some water if needed.
12. Add Worcestershire and Oyster sauce in and stir well to incorporate.
13. Loosely cut the thick pork chop, so it cut but still attach.
14. Mixed water and cornstarch together and incorporate into the onion to the desired sauce consistency.
15. Add the pork chops back into the pan until the pork chops internal temperature reached 145F.
16. Served with rice. 


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