Recipe: Clay Pot Rice 鹹魚 魷魚肉餅煲仔飯+++

Clay Pot Rice
鹹魚 魷魚肉餅煲仔飯

Minced Pork
Note:  Best with some pork fat
Diced Dried Squid
Slice of Salty Fish
Think strips of Ginger 4
Diced Green Onion 1/2 branch
Rice 1 cup
Water 1 cup

Seasoning for Minced Pork:
Water 1Tsp
Salt 1/2tsp
Sugar 1/2tsp
Corn Starch 2 tsp
Soy Sauce 1Tsp
Vegetable Oil 1Tsp
Sesame Oil 1/2Tsp

Clay Pot Rice Sauce 珠油:
Soy Sauce 1Tsp
Oyster Sauce 1Tsp
Chicken Powder 1/2tsp
Sugar 1/4tsp
Water 1/4 cup

1.  Soak rice in water for about 30 minutes and drain for 15 minutes.
2.  Place the minced pork in a medium size mixing bowl to allow room to toss and turn.
3.  Add 1Tsp of water into the minced pork to improve mix fluency.
4.  Add all dry seasoning one by one into minced pork and keep mixing by hand/chopsticks with each seasoning.
5.  Add the vegetable oil in and mix to incorporate.
6.  Add the sesame oil in and mix well.
7.  Add dried squid in and mix well.
8.  Incorporate the seasoned minced pork into a ball by hand.
9.  Pick up the minced pork ball from mixing bowl and throw it back into the bowl with some force.
10. Repeat this process for seven to ten times or until the meat texture becomes sticky.  See picture for reference.

11. Add a little water in a dish to temporary place the pork cake.  This will allow the pork cake to slice onto the rice easily.
Note:  The pork cake will shrink about 25% of its original size after cooking.  It is okay to over size the pork cake to your LC diameter.

12. Preheat the LC on low heat.

13. Mix Clay Pot Rice Sauce.  Taste to adjust if needed.
14. Keep sauce warm and set aside.

15. Turn LC on to a medium heat.
16. Add the 1 cup rice and 1 cup water into LC.
17. Let it cook on medium high heat for about 8 minutes.
18. Open the LC lid to see the bubbly edge of the rice.
19. Slide the pork cake onto the almost cooked but still moist rice.
20. Add the salty fish and ginger on top of pork cake.

21. Put LC lid back on and cook for another 10 minutes on medium heat.
22. When time is up, do not open the lid.
23. Turn off the heat and let it sit on the stove for about 10-15 minutes.

24. At serving, add desired amount of clay pot sauce in and add green onion in.


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