Recipe: Blending - Green Drinks (Fall/Winter)

Green Drinks

All-Year-Around Green
Soy Milk 1 cup
Chia Seeds 1 Tsp
Lime Juice 1 whole Lime
Ginger 2 slices
Celery 4 stalks
Cucumber 1
Apple 1/2
Frozen Kale 1 cup

Fall & Winter Green
Soy Milk 1/2 cup
Ginger 4 slices
Cucumber 1
Pear 1
Celery 4 stalks

Fall Pear Ginger Green Aid
Soy Milk 1 cup
Chia Seeds 1 Tsp
Ginger 4 slices
Frozen Spinach 1 1/2 cup
Cucumber 1 medium
Pear 1 cored and seeded
Celery 2 stalks

Fall Power Boost
Soy Milk 1 cup
Chia Seeds 1 Tsp
Ginger 4 slices
Oatmeal 1/2 cup
Figs 10 (that's what I have on hand)
Frozen Spinach 1/2 cup
Frozen Kale 1/4 cup
Frozen Blueberries 1 cup
Banana 1

 Naturally sweet and healthy


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