
Recipe: Preserved Vegetable Soup Noodle 雪菜肉絲炆米+++

雪菜肉絲炆米 材料: 米粉 約150克 雪菜 1棵 豬肉 約100克(切絲) 紅椒 1/4個(切絲) 油 少許 調味汁: 糖 1茶匙 蠔油 2湯匙 老抽 1湯匙 麻油 少許 水 200毫升 醃料: 生抽 1茶匙 酒 1茶匙 糖 1茶匙 麻油 1茶匙 做法: 1. 雪菜洗淨切粒備用 2. 燒熱水,米粉煮至熟透 no more than 2 minutes,盛起後cover with wet towel for 8 minutes to keep the rice noodles tender 3. 肉絲以生抽、酒、糖及麻油醃5分鐘 4. 把糖、蠔油、老油、麻油及水拌成調味汁 5. 燒熱油鑊,加入肉絲、雪菜粒及紅椒絲 (fill in 2/3 water/broth of the ingredients in work is sufficient)  6. 最後加入米粉快炒,加入適量調味汁炆至收汁即成

Recipe: Braised Beef Tendon 蔥燒牛筋++++

Braised Beef Tendon 蔥燒牛筋 Cooking Time:  ~2 1/2hours Ingredients: Tendon 牛筋 2包/packs Large Green Onion 大蔥 5束/branches (白色部分/white part only) Green Onion diced 蔥 4束/branches Ginger slices 薑 5片/slices Garlic diced 蒜 5瓣/cloves Oil 1tsp Water 1cup Seasonings: Salt 1tsp Sugar 1tsp Chicken Powder 1 1/2Tsp Cooking Wine 1Tsp Oyster Sauce 2Tsp Dark Soy Sauce 2Tsp Rock Sugar 冰糖 1-2 medium size Methods: 1.  Boil a pot of water to blanch the tendon in low heat 2.  Roughly clean the tendon with salt and water 3.  Cut the tendon in large bite size (as it will shrink a little after cooking) 4.  Put the tendon pieces into the pot of water and let it boil on medium high heat 5.  When white form surfaces to the top, remove the pot from heat to the sink and add in the hot tap water to let white form overflow away 6.  Repeat this process for about three times or 12 minutes 7.  Turn off heat and remove pot to sink and dump all tendon pieces into a

Cooking Tips: Marinate Pork

How to Marinate Pork Salt Corn Starch Chicken Powder Little bit of water

Interests: Tja Tiger Plates


Recipe: Stir Fried Chicken with Oyster Mushroom ++++

Stir Fried Chicken with Oyster Mushroom Ingredients : Sliced Chicken Thigh 4 pc Sliced Oyster Mushroom 1/2 lb Sliced Dried Wood Ear 1 hand full EVOO 3Tsp Water 1/4 cup Marinate Chicken: Corn Starch 1tsp White Rice Cooking Wine 2tsp Salt 1tsp Chicken Broth 1tsp Sesame Oil 1Tsp EVOO 1Tsp Water 1tsp Pre-mix Seasoning: Oyster Sauce 2tsp Soy Sauce 1tsp Minced Garlic 4 cloves Sesame Oil 1tsp Cornstarch 1tsp Water 1tsp Methods: 1.  Cut chicken thigh into bite size slices and marinate for 30mins in refrigerator 2.  Use damp kitchen towel to wipe clean the mushroom if needed 3.  Cut mushroom into bite size slices 4.  Soak dried wood ear into cold water to hydrate, then clean and cut wood ear into slices 5.  Mix seasoning and set aside 6.  30 mins later, take seasoned chicken from refrigerator and add 1/4 cup of water to loosen up the chicken before stir frying 7.  Add 2 Tsp of EVOO in a hot frying pan 8.  Add chicken into frying

Beverage: Nespresso Recipe - Iced Chocolate Coffee++++

Iced Chocolate Coffee Ingridents: 2 high intensity Nespresso shots Note:  Use decaffeinated at night Cold Soy Milk Crushed Ice 2 scoops of Good Chocolate Ice Cream Tools: Chilled Shaker Chilled Glass Nespresso Machine Milk Frother Methods: 1.  Make sure all tools and ingridents are standing by to make this quick drink 2.  Add some crushed ice inside the chilled glass in the freezer and set aside in freezer 3.  Pour cold soy milk into frother by using the cold setting (press button for two seconds) 4.  Brew 2 high intensity Nespresso 5.  Bring chilled shaker out from refrigerator out and scoops two ice cream in 6.  Add the espresso shots into the ice cream 7.  Secured the shaker and give it a good shake to incorporate the ingridents 8.  Take the chilled glass with crushed ice into from freezer and pour the mixture in 9.  Pour the soy milk on top of the chocolate espresso mixture 10.  Serve immediately

Recipe: Linguine with Shrimp Scampi by Barefoot Contessa+++

Linguine with Shrimp Scampi by Barefoot Contessa Ingredients Vegetable oil Kosher salt 3/4 pound linguine 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 1/2 tablespoons good olive oil 1 1/2 tablespoons minced garlic (4 cloves) 1 pound large shrimp (about 16 shrimp), peeled and deveined 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves 1/2 lemon, zest grated 1/8 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 lemons) 1/4 lemon, thinly sliced in half-rounds 1/8 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes Directions Drizzle some oil in a large pot of boiling salted water, add 1 tablespoon of salt and the linguine, and cook for 7 to 10 minutes, or according to the directions on the package. Meanwhile, in another large (12-inch), heavy-bottomed pan, melt the butter and olive oil over medium-low heat. Add the garlic. Saute for 1 minute. Be careful, the garlic burns easily! Add the shrimp, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt, and the pepper and saute until the shrimp have just t