Recipe: Stir Fried Chicken with Oyster Mushroom ++++

Stir Fried Chicken with Oyster Mushroom

Sliced Chicken Thigh 4 pc
Sliced Oyster Mushroom 1/2 lb
Sliced Dried Wood Ear 1 hand full
Water 1/4 cup

Marinate Chicken:
Corn Starch 1tsp
White Rice Cooking Wine 2tsp
Salt 1tsp
Chicken Broth 1tsp
Sesame Oil 1Tsp
Water 1tsp

Pre-mix Seasoning:
Oyster Sauce 2tsp
Soy Sauce 1tsp
Minced Garlic 4 cloves
Sesame Oil 1tsp
Cornstarch 1tsp
Water 1tsp

1.  Cut chicken thigh into bite size slices and marinate for 30mins in refrigerator
2.  Use damp kitchen towel to wipe clean the mushroom if needed
3.  Cut mushroom into bite size slices
4.  Soak dried wood ear into cold water to hydrate, then clean and cut wood ear into slices
5.  Mix seasoning and set aside
6.  30 mins later, take seasoned chicken from refrigerator and add 1/4 cup of water to loosen up the chicken before stir frying
7.  Add 2 Tsp of EVOO in a hot frying pan
8.  Add chicken into frying pan and spread chicken evenly in pan to seared until golden brown on one side for about 2-3 mins, then stir fried until chicken is almost cooked for about 3 mins
9.  Remove chicken from pan and set aside
10. If some chicken pieces are sticking to the pan, add a little water to loosen it and add mushroom and wood ear to stir fried.  Turn heat down to medium and stir fried for about 3 mins
11. Add the chicken back into the pan
12. Add the seasoning into stir fried and taste 
13.  Once seasoning is well incorporated, it is ready to serve with rice


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