Recipe: Clams Marinies with Soffrietto

Clams Marinies with Soffrietto
Palourdes Marinieres Au Soffritto
by Bouchon

Note:  Term "Mariniere" indicates fish/shellfish cooked with white wine and onions

1 baguette (abuot 2 1/2 inches wide)
Kosher Salt

2 1/2 pounds Manila clams
1/4 cup mined shallots
2 tsp minced thyme
24 cloves garlic confit
1/4 cup Soffritto

Kosher salt and freshly ground white pepper
4Tsp (2oz) unsalted butter
1cup dry white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc
1/4 cup Aioli or Tapenade
2Tsp chopped Italian parsley
Cracked black pepper

Preheat the broiler
Cut the baguette on a severe diagonal to make 4 slices that are about 9" long 1/4"
Pace croutons on a baking sheet
Bruch both sides lightly with olive oil and season with a pinch of salt
Toast croutons until both side is golden
Set aside

Wash and clean the clams under cold water
Heat a pot
When hot enough add oil and turn down to medium heat
Add shallots and sweat them for a minute
Add thyme, garlic confit, soffritto and salt and pepper to taste
Stir the mixture for a minute to bring out the flavor of the soffritto
Increase to high heat
Add butter and clams
Toss the clams in the soffritto mixture
Cook for 30 seconds
Add wine
Cover the pot and let the steam works for 30 seconds to a few minutes (util clams open)

Spread each crouton with a Tsp of aiolo or tapenade

When clams are ready, stire in the parsley and a large pinch of cracked black pepper

Divide the clams and broth among four serving bowls
Place a crouton alongside each and serve immediately

Clams Marinieres with Tomato Confit
Substitute 1/4 cup minced tomato confit for the soffritto


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