Recipe: Roasted Beet and Mâche Salad with Toasted Walnuts

Salads De Betteraves Et Mâche Au Chèvre Frais Et Aux Noix
By Bouchon

4 Servings
16 walnuts about half cup
8 baby beet about golf ball size
3 Tsp of EVOO
Kosher salt and Pepper
1tsp red wine vinegar
2oz mâche
2tsp minced shallots
2tsp minced chives
2tsp tarragon leaves
2tsp Italian parsley leaves
2-3 Tsp Walnut Vinaigrette 
4oz fresh goat cheese (optional)
Walnut oil

Preheat oven 350F
Spread walnut on baking sheet and toast for 10 minutes until lightly browned and fragrant 
Set aside to cool

Wash the beets and trim the stem to about 1 inch
Place the. In small baking pan and toss with 3Tsp of EVOO, 2Tsp of water, 1/2tdp of salt and 1/8tsp pepper. 
Cover the pan with foil and roast for about 50 minutes or until no resistance when the beets are pierced with a sharp paring knife. 
Remove the beets from the oven and let cool. 
When they are cool to handle, place a warm beer on a paper towel and rub gently with the towel to remove skin. 
Repeat with the remaining beets. 
Trim away and discard the stems and any roots. 
Quarter the beets and place them in a bowl and toss with a pinch of salt and pepper. Add the remaining 1tsp of EVOO and vinegar. 
Set aside. 
Place the mâche in a small bowl.
Toss with the shallots, herbs and about 1Tsp of vinaigrette or just lightly enough to coat the greens. 
Season to taste with salt and pepper. 
Place a mound of mâche in the center of plate. 
Arrange the beets around the máche and garnish with the walnuts. 
Use a spoon to scoop small pieces of the goat cheese and distribute then among the salad. 
Spoon a little additional dressing around salad and drizzle the plates with a little walnut oil. 


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