Interest: Growing Pure White Camellias

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Alba Plena'
Common Name:Alba Plena Camellia
Plant Type:Evergreen
Leaf Type:Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone:7, 8, 9, 10 Determine Your Zone
Height:8-10 feet
Spread:5 - 10 feet
Bloom time:Spring, Winter
Flower color:White
Light Exposure:Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Shade, Morning sun
Drainage:Well drained, Moist
Rate of Growth:Slow
Water Requirement:Medium
Maintenance Level:Low

Camellias in containers. Camellias are outstanding container plants whether you grow them outdoors on a terrace or indoors in a cool greenhouse. As a general rule, plant gallon-size camellias in 12- to 14-in.-diameter containers, 5-gallon ones in 16- to 18-in. containers. Fill the container with a potting mix containing 50 percent or more organic material. Make sure the container has a generous drainage hole.


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