Recipe: 蒜蓉豆豉蒸排骨 Steamed Spare Ribs with Back Beans and Garlic+++


Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Beans and Garlic

Spare Ribs 1.8lbs

Black Beans 3Tsp
Garlic 1 1/2Tsp
Salt1 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Chicken powder 1/2tsp
Soy Sauce Paste 1Tsp
Oyster Sauce 1Tsp
Dark Soy Sauce 1Tsp
Cooking Wine 1Tsp
Corn Starch 1 1/2Tsp
Red Pepper Flakes 2 dashes
Oil 1Tsp 

Chop spare ribs into bite size
Rinse and clean black beans
Minced garlic roughly
Mix all seasonings except oil together with spare ribs
The mixture should be mixed well and a little slimy because of the cornstarch
Add oil to seal the flavor
Set aside
Boil water for steaming
Put seasoned spare ribs in one layer for even steaming result in a shallow dish
Steam for 7 minutes depends on your stove

Over steaming, means overcooking, means watery outcome and chewy spare ribs
I used an electric steamer.  It took at least 15-minutes to it done and not overcook the spare ribs. 


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