Recipe: Soup 大蒜花生豬𦟌煲雞腳+++



大蒜 4 cloves
花生 5 hand full
果皮 1 big piece
生薑 2 big slices
雞腳 1 pack
雞殼 2
豬𦟌1 1/2lb Pork Shank
水 5大湯碗

1.  Wash and soak 花生 and 果皮 separately
2.  Rinse pork and put it into a pot of cold water on medium high heat to cleanse until the white form extracted
3.  Rinse pork in tap water and clean
4.  Put the pork into the large pot to make soup
5.  Clean chicken feet thoroughly and trim the nails by cutting it in a 45 degree angle from outside in
Note:  The will minimize the opening to prevent exceed oil in soup
6.  Repeat the above process 2 to 4 for the chicken feet and 雞殼
7.  Add water into the large soup pot with all ingridents on high heat
8.  Once boiling, turn the heat down to low and cook for 2 1/2 hours
9.  Skimmed the oil in soup before serving
10. Taste soup and add salt if necessary
Note:  It is best to make this soup a day in advance.  The oil can more remove easily on the next day when the soup is cold.  Reboil to enjoy the extra flavor in the soup overnight.


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