Recipe: Beef Croquette 日式A5牛肉可樂餅 ++++

Beef Croquette 日式A5牛肉可樂餅 

Heart shape croquettes are filled with mozzella.

馬鈴薯 Potato 2 small
雞蛋 Hard Boiled Egg 1
洋蔥 Onion diced 1/2個
牛絞肉 Ground beef 200g
油 Vegetable oil 1 to 2Tsp
Salt 1/4tsp
鹽巴&胡椒 Salt & Pepper 1/4tsp each
高筋麵粉 Bread flour—1/2cup
雞蛋 Egg 1
麵包粉 Breadcrumb 1 to 1 1/2cups
油 Vegetable oil for deep drying—2 to 3 cups
豬排醬 Tonkatsu sauce 3 Tsp


  1. Rinse and peel two small size potatos and cut into 1" slices.
  2. Prepare and unshell one hard boiled egg.
  3. Bring a pot of water to a boil to steam the potato slices for approximately 15-20 minutes or until throughly cooked.
  4. With 1Tsp of oil in a medium heat frying pan, stir fried onion with 1/4tsp of salt until golden.
  5. Add minced beef into the pan to stir fried with 1/4 tsp of salt and black pepper for approximately 3 minutes or until coo (not pink.) Set aside to cool.
  6. Check potato slices doness by poking it through easily by a chopstick. Remove potato slices into a mixing bowl.
  7. Use a potato mesher to mesh the potato slices throughly wihtou big chunks but not silky. Add the hard boiled egg in and mesh/mix well together.
  8. Add minced beef mixture into the meshed potate to inccorporate.
  9. Taste and adjust seasoing as needed.
  10. Divide mixture evenly before shaping croquettes.
  11. Grab one portion of potato mixture and compress it. Then, start to shape it like a McDonald's hash brown. Compelte all shaping and set coroquettes aside.
  12. Prepare three dishes for 1/2 cup of bread flour, beat one egg, and 1 to 1 1/2 cups of breadcrumb. Line them up in this order.
  13. In one hand, drag one coroquette into the bread flour. Dust off excess bread flour.
  14. In the other hand, drag the dusted coroquette into the beaten egg. With the mosit hand, move the mosit coroquette to the breadcrumb. Cover the coroquette well with breadcrumb and shake off the excess. Then, set it aside. Repeat this step until all cororquettes are shaped.
  15. Prepared a pot of oil (approximately 2 to 3 cups) on medium high heat.
  16. Deep fry only for immediate serving. Freeze any excess croquettes for later consumption.
  17. Drop a couple breadcrubs into the oil to test temperature. If breadcrumb flows to the top, it is ready to deep fried.
  18. Remove breadcrumb before lowering the first coroquette into the oil.
  19. Watch the deep frying processes closely. Remove coroquette in approximately one minute or until golden.
  20. Remove golden coroquette onto a cooling rack. Repeat this step until all coroquettes are fried.
  21. Serve with Tonkatsu sauce.

No need to defrost the reserved frozen croquettes.  Just keep the oil temperature lower to fry.


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