Recipe: 涼拌珊瑚藻/海底燕窩 Coralline Algae Appetizer/Salad +++


Coralline Algae Appetizer/Salad

Coralline Algae 45g 
Cucumber 1 medium size 
Carrots 70g 3 small size

Sesame Oil 1 Tsp
Oyster sauce 3 Tsp
White Vinegar 2 Tsp
Sugar 2 Tsp
Fine Minced Garlic 1 1/2 tsp

Soak algae overnight or no less than 4 hours (note:  ice bath for extra crispy texture)
Rinse the algae several times in the process
Chop or cut algae into bit size pieces
Note:  When cutting the algae, it is sticky to the touch.  That is the collagen from the plant instead of an animal.

Julieann carrots and cucumber
Add 1 tsp of salt and mix well to extract water
Discard the liquid and rinse with cold water and dry the cucumber and carrot as much as possible

Add all ingredients and seasoning together
Tips:  Add a little bit of the 1Tsp sesame oil onto the measuring spoon first.  The rest of the seasoning will be sliding off the spoon easily.  Finally, add the rest of the sesame oil to seal the flavor.

Mix well and put into refrigerator to chill overnight and turn the algae from time to time for even distribution.
Serve cold

Do not use warm/hot water to soak algae.  It will dissolve.
The finished product will last in the refrigerator for up to one week.


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