Recipe: Quick Stir Fried Spaghetti 快炒意粉

Quick Stir Fried Spaghetti 快炒意粉


1/2 box of Spaghetti
Bite size Meat
Enoki mushroom or other sliced mushrooms
Chopped Green Onion 1 brunch
Tobiko (optional)

Soy Sauce Oil 1 Tsp
Oyster Sauce 1Tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Oil 2 Tsp

Chopped meat and green onion in bite size
Cook spaghetti to 70% cooked
Drain and save 1 cup of pasta water
Do not rinse spaghetti
Add oil to wok/frying pan to medium high heat
Add spaghetti in and quickly stir fried it and add 1 ladle of pasta water
Add meat and mushroom and stir fried for few minutes
Add seasonings and stir fried until it is well mixed together
Add green onion and stir fried
Once all the liquid is evaporated, dish and add optional tobiko
Serve immediately


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