Recipe: Hitsumabushi 鰻魚飯

Hitsumabushi 鰻魚飯

First attempt 

1 Unagi Kabayaki - Roasted Eel
Note:  Available at Uwaujimaya
Cooked Rice

Unagi Sauce:
2 tbsp Mirin
1 tbsp Sake
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
⅔~1 tbsp Honey

Cook rice in 14cm LC
Use 2 cups of rice and it is good for 4 people with 2.5 cups of water
Cover with lid and cook over medium heat until water bubbles surface for about 4 minutes
Still the bottle of the LC
Turn it to low heat and cook for another 7 minutes
Put unagi on top of rice and let it cook for another 2 minutes
Do not open the lid
Turn off the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes
Open the lid and brush the unagi sauce onto unagi and drizzle some on the rice
Serve immediately

See link for different ways to enjoy Hutsymabushi.


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