Receip : 3cups Matsekazu Pork 三杯松阪豬 by From the kitchen to the table +++

3cups Matsekazu Pork 三杯松阪豬
by From the kitchen to the table

0.5lb bite size sliced Matsekazu Pork 松阪豬
3 slices of Ginger
2 cloves of Garlic sliced
1-2 Red pepper or Pepper flakes
1 bunch of Basil
1 Tsp EVOO

4 tsp Soy Sauce
1/2tsp Soy Paste
1/2tsp of Rice Wine or Sake
1tsp of Water
2Tsp Sesame oil
1/2tsp Sugar

Preheat LC pan in medium heat with EVOO
Pan fried pork until golden on both sides
Remove pork from pan

Do not clean pan and add sesame oil to pan fried the ginger and pepper until fragrant
Add seasoning and stir fried together
Add pork back into pan
Pan fried until the sauce is mostly deducted
Add basil in and stir
Dish and serve immediately


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