
Showing posts from November, 2009

Recipe: 清酒蜆肉湯+++

材料: 蜆 1 磅 清酒 2/3 量杯 滾水 1 量杯 鹽 少許 (選擇性) 做法: 先以鹽水浸蜆吐沙後,用牙刷刷淨備用 熱鍋倒入滾水及清酒煮滾,放入蜆煮至開口,加鹽調味即成

Recipe: Grilled 秋刀魚 +++

秋刀魚 是頷針魚目秋刀魚科的食用海水魚。通常 2 年長成,全長約 40cm。分佈於從日本海、阿拉斯加、美國大陸沿岸到墨西哥的寬廣北太平洋 Chinese:Qiu Dao Yu (秋刀魚) English:Pacific Saury (Mackerel Pike) Japanese:Sanma (サンマ) Korean:Kongchi (꽁치) 材料:(烤焗) 秋刀魚 檸檬汁 適量 鹽 適量 胡椒鹽 適量 Grilled 做法: -Put Salted and Pepper on each side - Grill each side for 15 to 20 minutes Other 做法: 秋刀魚洗淨去鱗去內臟,用廚房紙吸乾水份 預熱焗爐 230 C / 445 F 用錫紙包好焗盤,抹上一層油,備用 用幼鹽抹勻整條魚身醃約 15 分鐘 放在焗盤上,入焗爐以 230 C / 445 F 每面焗至金黃色 (烤焗時間以魚大小而定) 最後灑上胡椒粉,再淋上檸檬汁,即成 材料:(香煎) 秋刀魚 檸檬汁 適量 生粉 適量 鹽 適量 胡椒鹽 適量 做法: 秋刀魚洗淨去鱗去內臟,用廚房紙吸乾水份 用幼鹽抹勻整條魚身醃約 15 分鐘 再用生粉薄撲均勻在魚身上 熱鍋落油,放入秋刀魚,用中慢火煎至兩面金黃色,上碟 最後灑上胡椒粉,再淋上檸檬汁,即成

Soup: 蓮藕排骨湯++

蓮藕排骨湯 材料: 蓮藕 1 個 (約手心般大小) 排骨 1/2 磅 (Note:  Select the less fat type, otherwise soup is very oily.  See picture.) 乾魷魚 1 片 薑 2 片 水 6 量杯 (1.5 公升) (Note:  Stick with this measurement) 調味料: 鹽 適量 米酒 1 湯匙 做法: 蓮藕用小刀刮去外皮洗淨,切薄片,備用 乾魷魚洗淨浸軟切絲,備用 排骨切粒略沖洗,放入滾水汆燙撈起,備用 熱鍋滾水,放入所有材料煮滾,轉慢火煲 1 小時,加鹽調味即成

Soup: 鹹蛋芥菜豆腐湯+++

鹹蛋芥菜豆腐湯 功效: 芥菜性味苦甘涼,有抗癌消腫之療效 豆腐是大豆製品,內含石膏,其性味辛寒有清胃熱之功 全湯既清熱降火,又不傷脾胃 惟脾胃虛寒者不宜服用本湯 材料: 生 / 熟鹹蛋 1 隻 芥菜 1/2 斤 老 / 嫩豆腐 1 磚 薑 2 片 做法: 熟鹹蛋切粒備用 芥菜洗淨切小段 豆腐洗淨切小件 煮滾適量水,先放薑片煲 2-3 分鐘 把芥菜和豆腐放入鍋中煮滾,加入生 / 熟鹹蛋,轉中火煲 10-15 分鐘,加入適量鹽調味即成

Recipe: 蘿蔔牛腩 Modified ++

蘿蔔牛腩   材料: 牛腩 2 磅 蘿蔔 1.5 磅 薑 4 片 蒜茸 1 湯匙 水 適量 醃料: 老抽 2 湯匙 麻油 1 湯匙 紹酒 / 米酒 / 玫瑰露 3 湯匙 調味料: 柱侯醬 6 湯匙 八角 8 粒 冰糖 2 粒 (大小如母指般) 水 1 杯 Note: Put the seasoning directly into the pan to save a clean bowl. 做法: 牛腩 原塊 放入滾水中 (如牛腩太大塊,可切開兩塊),煮約 2 分鐘,撈起加入醃料抹勻醃片刻 蘿蔔去皮洗淨,切件備用 熱鍋落油,放入薑片及蒜茸炒香,加入調味料煮勻至冰糖溶化 加入牛腩連醃汁拌勻,再加入水至剛蓋過牛腩煮滾,轉慢火燜 2-3 小時 Pressure Cooker: 1.5 to 2 hours 燜好牛腩撈起待稍涼,切件回鍋,加入蘿蔔同煮至滾,上碟即成 小幫手 : 如牛腩切小件後才燜,會縮小及走失肉汁,所以盡量原塊燜煮 用冰糖煮可使牛腩肉質變得鬆軟 11-22-09 B- Rating Not enough flavor

Washington Mutual's (WM) Mission Statement

Washington Mutual's (WM) Mission Statement Our Vision & Mission Vision: Vision: To be the nation's leading retailer of financial services for consumers and small businesses. Mission: To build strong, profitable relationships with a broad spectrum of consumers and businesses. We will do this by delivering products and services that offer great value and friendly service, and by adhering to our core values of being fair, caring, human, dynamic, and driven. Our Core Values Fair Ethics of absolute fairness, honesty, and integrity guide everything we do. Our actions match our words. We balance the expectations and earn the trust of our customers, employees, communities and investors. We offer our customers products and services which fit their needs and provide great value. Caring We ensure that every human interaction is caring, courteous, and respectful. We expect leaders to make difficult decisions, and to carry them out in a way that allows all involved

Recipe: Congee 廣式白米粥

廣式白米粥 熬粥工序: 1、將淘好的米控干水分,加入少量色拉油混合攪拌,放上一個小時左右。 2、取一個保溫性良好的砂鍋,將米和等比例的水放入砂鍋後開小火。等砂鍋呈全熱狀態後開中火。 3、水煮開後,改成小火繼續熬,注意,其間不要讓水溢出來並且慢慢蓋上蓋子,但不要完全蓋住。約30至40分鐘後一鍋好粥就煲好了。要領是在煲粥的過程中盡量不要去翻攪。 煲白粥的水量界定 依照米和水的比例,可以煮出不同的粥。 最基本的白粥也就是所謂的全粥的米、水比例為1:5; 水分較多的七分粥米、水比例為1:7, 滑溜順口的五分粥的米、水比例為1:10 。

Recipe: 客家菜脯蛋 Hakka Fried Eggs

客家菜脯蛋 Ingredients/材料: Diced Preserved Daikon 2/3 cups 菜脯 2/3 cups Beaten Eggs 5 蛋5粒 Diced Green Onion 2 springs 青蔥2枝 Oil 1 Tsp Seasoning/調味料: Sesame Oil 1tsp 香油1小匙 Springle of Salt (optional) 鹽巴可免 Springle of White Pepper 白胡椒少許 Water 2 Tsp 水2Tsp Sprinkle of Chicken Broth Powder 雞粉少許 Method/作法: 1.  Dice preserved daikon and rinse them off to keep drip dry/padded dry and set aside 2.  In a dry wok or frying pan, add the preserved daikon on a medium heat 3.  Stir occasionally and cook for about 3 minutes 4.  Dish the preserved daikon on to a plate and set aside 5.  Beat all eggs into a bowl and add seasoning then beat eggs thoroughly to increase air and bubbles for fluffiness texture 6.  Add green onion and preserved daikon into the eggs and mix well 7.  Add 1 Tsp of oil in the wok/pan on medium high heat 8.  Slowly pour the mix mixture 9.  Bubbles on the edge of the egg are good indication of fluffiness texture 10. Cook for approximately 2 minutes

Recipe: Caesar Salad ++++

Caesar Salad   Ingredients 1 loaf day old Italian bread 3 garlic cloves, mashed 9 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/4 teaspoon plus 1 pinch kosher salt 2 eggs 2 heads romaine lettuce, inner leaves only 7 grinds black pepper 1 lemon, juiced 6 drops Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Directions Heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut 1/2 to 3/4-inch croutons from the loaf of bread and place on a baking sheet and put into the oven until dry but not browned. Use a mortar and pestle to mash the garlic with 4 tablespoons of oil and 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt.  Strain the oil into a skillet over medium heat.  Add the dried croutons and fry, tossing constantly until all of the oil is absorbed and the croutons turn gold. Set aside. Bring 2 cups water to a boil in a small saucepan.  Add the eggs and cook for 1 minute.  Chill in ice water to halt cooking. Set aside. In a very large bowl, tear lettuce and toss with 3 tablespoons of olive oil.  Sprinkle w

Recipe: Chicken Salad Sandwiches by Ina ++++

Chicken Salad Sandwiches   Ingredients 4 split (2 whole) chicken breasts, bone-in, skin on Good olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 3/4 cup good mayonnaise, plus more for the bread 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon leaves 1 cup small-diced celery (2 stalks) 8 to 10 slices health or seven-grain bread 1 package mesclun salad mix Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the chicken breasts, skin side up, on a sheet pan and rub them with olive oil.  Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.  Roast for 35 to 40 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through.  Set aside to cool. When the chicken is cool, remove and discard the skin and bones and cut the chicken into 3/4-inch dice. Place the chicken in a bowl and add the mayonnaise, tarragon, celery, 2 teaspoons salt, and 1 teaspoon pepper and toss well. To assemble, spread a little mayonnaise on half the bread slices, top with the chicken salad and mesclun mix, and cover w

Soup: Garden Vegetable Soup by Alton +++++ (Edited)

Garden Vegetable Soup Ingredients 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 cups chopped leeks, white part only (from approximately 3 medium leeks) 2 tablespoons finely minced garlic Kosher salt 2 cups carrots, peeled and chopped into rounds (approximately 2 medium) 2 cups peeled and diced potatoes 2 cups fresh green beans, broken or cut into 3/4-inch pieces 2 cans = 3 1/2 cups chicken or vegetable broth 2 cans = 3 1/2 cups peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes 2 ears corn, kernels removed 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup packed, chopped fresh parsley leaves 1 to 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice Directions 1.  Heat 4 Tsp of olive oil in large, heavy-bottomed stockpot over medium-low heat. 2.  Once hot, add 2 cups of leeks, 2 Tsp of garlic, and a pinch of salt and sweat until they begin to soften, approximately 7 to 8 minutes (uncover). 3.  Add 2 cups of carrots, 2 cups of potatoes, and 2 cups of green beans and continue to cook f

Cooking Tips: Grilled Pork Chops

Grilled Pork Chops Tips Padded dry Cut slit on the edge to avoid curing up when cooking Seasoning:  Salt, Pepper and Rosemary Preheat cast iron pan without oil over low heat until light smoke appear. A well seasoned cast iron pan does not need oil. Put  pork chop into cast iron pan and Grill the chops on medium high heat for 4 minutes on each side for PINK. Turn each chop 45 degrees after 2 minutes to mark. Grill the chops on medium high heat for 6 minutes on each side for MEDIUM. Turn each chop 45 degrees after 2 minutes to mark.

Soup: Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣湯++++

Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣湯 Serve 1 Ingredients (材料): Soft or Silky Tofu diced 豆腐 1/2 pack Wood Ear 木耳絲 5 pieces Enoki 金針菇 1 pack Pork 肉絲 1/4lb Salt 1/4tsp 1/2tsp Sugar 1/4tsp Chicken Essence 1/4tsp + 1Tsp Egg (optional) 1 Dark Vinegar 3Tsp White Vinegar 3Tsp Corn Starch+Water 4Tsp each (optional) Corn Starch 1/4tsp 2.5 Cups Water Sesame Oil 1/2tsp Green Onion diced 2 springs Oil 1/4tsp White Pepper Dash Method: Rinse and soak wood ear in cold water for 15 minutes. Remove the core of each wood ear and cut into slices.  Set aside. Trim the root end of enoki and set aside. Mirante pork with 1/4tsp of salt, 1/4 tsp chicken essence, 1/4 tsp cornstarch for 15 minutes.  Bring a pot of water to boil and add tofu and wood ear blench quickly for approximately 40 seconds. Remove tofu and wood ear after draining and set aside. In a LC soup pot, add 1/4tsp of oil over medium heat.  Add pork into stir-fried until golden. Remove pork from pot and set aside. Add 2 1/2cups

Soup: 番茄酸菜湯++

番茄酸菜湯 材料: 1.牛番茄四個 2.酸菜心半個 3.馬鈴薯二個 做法: 1.將蕃茄(去皮),酸菜心切片。 2.馬鈴薯去皮切1公分厚片。 3.蕃茄先用少許的油爆出茄紅素,加冷水半鍋,將材料全下鍋煮至馬鈴薯酥軟即可,嘗嘗是否夠味,酸菜味自然全釋放出,此湯為酸酸,清爽的夏日湯品,尤其是喝冷的也不錯,鹹淡斟酌加不加鹽可隨自己的口味了。 Note:  It is also great for hot pot soup base.

Recipe: LC BB鍋中鍋冬瓜湯 Steamed Clear Winter Melon Soup++++

LC  BB 鍋中鍋 冬瓜湯 Ingredients: Winter melon 1.5lbs Fresh Shitaki Mushroom 2 Chicken Drum Stick 1 (left over with seasoning already) Dried Scallop 2-3 or 1.5Tsp Chicken Broth 3/4cup and 1/2cup water mix Cooking wine 1 dash (optional) Instructions: 1. Put dried scallops into a cocotte (or container with lid), add a dash of hot water, and then steam for 30-60mins 2. Put LC16BB LC next to chop board, and put a tall water glass in the center to place winter melon cubes around the side 3. Cut winter melon into bite-size cubes and place it around the water glass inside LC16BB 4. Remove the water cup from the LC 16BB 5. Slice mushrooms and chicken meat into slices or cubes, and place them in the middle of the LC 16BB 6. Set round LC 26 on stove top, put a bamboo mat in the bottom or used the LC Cool Tool silicone mat is ok as well 7. Put LC 16BB onto the mat/silicone mat (with all ingredients except chicken broth and dried scallops) inside the round LC 26 8. Slowly pour the chic