
Showing posts from 2010

My Favorite Wines

Domaine Bourillon D’Orleans Vouvray Sec 2005 La Coulée d’Argent -tasted at Fringale in SF -paired with Beacon wrapped Pork Tenderloin -dry and steady Saviah Cellar, Walla Walla The Jack Cabernet Sauvignon

Recipe: Tailgating Asian Wings+++

Tailgating Asian Wings Ingredients 1 pound chicken wings, cut into segments, tips removed and discarded 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon freshly cracked black pepper Asian Sauce: 2 Tsp Soy Sauce Paste 1/4 cup Honey 2 tsp Lime Zest 1 Lime Juice 1/4 cup Orange juice, from 1/2 orange 1 thumb size freshly grated Ginger 1 tsp Chili garlic paste 1/2 tsp Sesame Oil 1/2 tsp dried Oregano 1/2 tsp ground Cumin 1 tsp granulated Garlic 1 Tsp Oyster sauce 2 Tsp Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce Some Tobasco Sauce Some Chopped Cilantro Directions At home: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Season the wings with salt and pepper. Arrange the chicken wings on a baking sheet in a single layer. Put in the preheated oven and cook for 45 minutes. Remove the wings from the oven to a bowl and allow to cool. Cover and refrigerate until ready to finish at the event on the barbecue. Combine all of the ingredients in a resealable gallon-size plastic bag and combine well. For the wings ta

Recipe: Salsa ++++

Salsa Ingredients 6 Roma tomatoes, chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 2 seeded and minced jalapenos, plus 2 roasted, skinned and chopped jalapenos 1 red bell pepper, fine dice 1/2 red onion, fine chopped 2 dry ancho chiles, seeded, cut into short strips and snipped into pieces 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 lime, juiced Chili powder, salt, and pepper, to taste Fresh scallions, cilantro or parsley, to taste Directions In a bowl, combine all ingredients. Place in refrigerator for up to 12 hours for flavor infusion. Serve with tortilla chips.

Soup: 花生雞腳豬骨湯++++

   花生雞腳豬骨湯 1 花生浸泡過夜 2 雞腳去爪尖洗淨 3 豬骨&雞殼洗淨 4 雞腳&豬骨&雞殼用滾水燙透/飛水 5 洗淨紅棗 6 紅棗去核 7 生薑去皮免切 8 Add 1 1/2 Papaya 1 用半鍋水 (太多水會太淡) Note: -所有(except 雞腳)材料齊水落來保持來材料的營養 2 放入花生、生薑和紅棗,豬骨&雞殼 猛火煲至水滾 3 水滾後改變文/慢火 4 Add papaya cubes 5 1小時後放入雞腳 用慢火續煲1個小時 6 放入鹽調味,再滾,即可以食用

Soup: 紅棗杞子龍眼水+++++

紅棗杞子龍眼水. 紅棗有 補血 作用,適合手腳冰冷的人(無咩血氣) 杞子則有 明目 作用,適合長期對著電腦的人士 此茶有舒肝解鬱、行氣活血、生津益氣、養肝明目 排毒 養顏及健胃消積的作用 中午與黃昏各飲一杯,每天飲用,保證你白天精神奕奕,夜晚則能 睡得安寧 。 材料: 龍眼肉10粒、 杞子30粒 做法: 將以上材料一同放入一個暖水壼內,加入兩杯滾水,浸12小時後飲用。

Blending - Aloha Cocktail or Pineapple Drink (Summer)

Summer Drinks Aloha Pineapple Juice Pineapple 1/2 can Peach 1 Lime/Lemon 2 slices Soy Milk 1 cup Chia Seed 1 Tsp Celery 4 stalks

Recipe: Bake Salmon With Roasted Garlic and Savory Mayo++++

Bake Salmon With Roasted Garlic and Savory Mayo Ingredients 1 lb salmon fillet 1 cup mayonnaise 5 garlic cloves 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper Directions 1 Place salmon filet on a sheet of aluminium foil, or baking tray, flesh-side up. 2 Season salmon filet with salt (to taste) and set aside. 3 Chop garlic finely and mix into the cup of mayonnaise, stirring if necessary. 4 Using a butter knife or a spoon, spread the garlic-mayo mixture evenly on top of the filet, the spread should be about a 1/2cm thick throughout. 5 Preheat the oven to 450 degrees, and place the filet on the top rack, for 8-10 minutes, taking care not to overcook. 6 Turn the oven setting to "Broil" and keep a close eye on the garlic mayo spread; turn off the oven once the garlic and mayo start to brown evenly. 7 Season further with salt to taste. 8 Serve with potatoes, or steamed rice.

Recipe: 干扁四季豆+++

干扁 四季豆 用料: 四季豆1斤、 绞肉1两、 虾米1大匙、 冬菜2两, 葱末3大匙、 姜末1茶匙、 蒜末1茶匙, 酒1茶匙、 麻油1茶匙、 糖1/4茶匙、 味精1/8茶匙、 盐1/4茶匙、 醋1/4茶匙。 制作方法: 1.四季豆摘洗净,沥干水分。虾米用水泡软,切末。冬菜洗净,亦剁末。 2.锅中烧热3杯油,用大火炸四季豆,炸至外皮微皱即捞出。 3.倒出炸油,留油1大匙,放入虾米、冬菜、蒜末、姜末及绞肉,炒干。 4.加入四季豆与其它调味料,待炒拌入味后,起锅置入盘中。

Recipe: 香煎雞排++++ Juicy!!

香煎雞排   原料: 小雞胸肉4塊、 鹽1小勺、 生抽2大勺、 料酒1大勺、 白胡椒粉1小勺、 洋蔥絲適量(約半個的量,這個千萬不要省略,就靠它來提香呢) Note: I used shallot instead. 干淀粉2大勺、 清水3大勺、 麵包屑200g Egg Yolk x 1 做法: 1、將雞胸肉去除筋膜,(如果是比較大的雞胸肉,用刀從中間片成兩片)。 2-3、用刀背在雞肉正反面上反复敲打半分鐘,使雞肉鬆懈,以便醃製時入味。 4-5、將雞肉放入碗中,加入調味料和洋蔥絲用手抓拌均勻。 Add one egg yolk. 6、放入保鮮盒中,蓋上蓋子醃製1/2 to 2個小時以上。 7、將乾澱粉加入清水調和成濃水澱粉,把雞肉放入水澱粉中雙面沾濕。 Note: I did not use this step. 8、再放入麵包屑中雙面沾滿。 Note: I used the Italian Style Bread Crumbs. 9、鍋中倒入油,大火加熱後改成中小火,放入雞排,煎製兩面金黃即可。

Recipe: 合掌瓜越南魚露豬肉肉片 Stir Fried Chayote and Vietnamese Fish Sauce Pork

Stir Fried Chayote and Fish Sauce Pork 合掌瓜越南魚露豬肉肉片 Ingredients: Chayote 2 Pork slices 1 lb Carrot 1/2 stem Ginger 4 slices Garlic (sliced) 1 dice Chicken Broth/Powder (or water) 1/2 cup Sugar 1 tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp White pepper Dash Fish Sauce Pork Marinade: Fish Sauce 3tsp Sugar Rock 1:1 ratio to Fish Sauce  Coconut Water 200ml Whole peppercorn 6 counts Method for Chayote: Cut pork into bite size and mixed all seasoning together into pork and set aside Cut chayote into half and rub the cut ends together to generate a thin layer of paste, wash it away Peel and de-seed chayote and sliced into long stripes Add salt to chayote to extract water for 5 minutes to create crispy texture Rinse chayote and set aside Peel and slice carrot Heat up the wok/pan on medium-high heat, add oil to the wok/pan Add seasoned pork to stir fried for 1 minute, turn to medium heat and add 200 ml of coconut water Stir fried to incorporate and let it cook for 10 minutes or until

Recipe: 蠔油雞翼+++

蠔油雞翼 材料﹕ 雞全翼4隻﹔ 蔥頭1粒﹔ 薑2片﹔ 油1/2湯匙   茨汁﹕ 蠔油 1 1/2湯匙﹔ 白酒 1/2湯匙﹔ 水125毫升﹔ 老抽 1/2湯匙﹔ 水1/4茶匙   做法﹕ 1. 清潔抹乾雞翼,每隻切成5件。 2. 拍爛蔥頭及薑片。 3. 準備茨汁。 4. 燒熱2湯匙,爆香蔥頭及薑片約 1/2 分鐘。 5. 加入雞翼爆香2分鐘。 6. 加入茨汁慢火炆約15分鐘。

April 13, 2010 Hearing Senate on WaMu Failure in 2008


Recipe: 蕃茄醬炒蝦++++

蕃茄醬炒蝦 材料:蝦一斤、蔥、姜、蒜、蕃茄醬 做法: 0.剪去頭先 1.先用油爆蔥、姜、蒜 2.放入蝦炒一會,直至蝦變成紅色 3.放約三至四湯匙蕃茄醬, 以及少許鹽巴 4.待醬汁煮至濃稠即可盛起

Recipe: 梅子蒸排骨++++

梅子蒸排骨 猪排骨………250克 酸梅肉…………4 dices 深色酱油………25克 豆酱……………10克 白糖……………15克干 淀粉…………25克 味精……………2克 芝麻油…………10克 蒜泥……………10克 花生油…………25克 烹製方法 1.將排骨斬成10克重的塊,洗乾淨, 控去水分 。 2.把以上味料與排骨拌勻,攤放盤中,澆適量花生油,用中火蒸約10分鐘至熟,取出便成。

Recipe: Roasted Pork Top Loin++++

Roasted Pork Top Loin Ingredients: Boneless Pork Top Loin Roast 2lbs Garlic 4 cloves Rosemary 2 branches Coarse Salt Fresh Grounded Black Pepper Zucchini 4 small/medium Squash 2 large Yellow and or Red Onion 1 large EVOO 2-3 Tsp White Wine 1cup Corn Starch 2Tsp Water 2Tsp Notes: -Roast each pound for 20 minutes at 375F to an internal temperature of 145F for medium. -Carrot, Pears, Onion, Squash, etc. are a good addition to this dish. -The top loin is so tender. Method: Set oven rack to mid-upper section and preheat oven to 375F. Rinse and cut zucchinis, squashes, and onion into large slices.  Set aside. Trim excess fat off from top loin if necessary. Padded dry pork top loin and tie up the roast with a long cooking twine to ensure even cooking. Unpeel four cloves of garlic. Pierce top loin to insert garlic cloves. In a baking pan, place top loin in and add a generous amount of crouse salt and pepper all over top loin. Drizzle 1Tsp of oil on top of to


Image 1967 天聲 TEP 3002 契爺與大小姐 ●契爺與大小姐>合唱:秦敏 ●藝海情鴛/張慧 ●紅裙艷/秦敏 ●夢會楊妃/譚家寶 ●淚影心聲/秦敏 ●利是大吉/秦敏、梁標 ●新潮扭腰舞/呂明光、秦敏、梁標 ●新彈院鐘聲/張慧 ●鳳閣恩仇/秦敏、梁標 ●一水隔天涯/秦敏 ●戲秋香 ●秋戀/秦敏 ●太太楂車/呂明光 ●飲多杯>合唱:白瑛、白鳳瑛、江綺媚、呂明光、林婉雯、秦敏、梁標   1974 文志 MCLP 10120分飛燕 ●分飛燕/張寶之 ●癡情淚/徐小鳳 ●勁草嬌花/徐小鳳 ●太太楂車/尹光 ●契爺與大小姐>合唱:秦敏 ●有苦無路訴/郭炳堅 ●禪院鐘聲/楊子 ●新禪院鐘聲/張慧 ●藝海情鴛/張慧 ●鳳閣恩仇/秦敏、梁標 ●麻雀大王/郭炳堅 ●疏星冷月/楊子 ●戲秋香 ●飲多杯>合唱:白瑛、白鳳瑛、江綺媚、呂明光、林婉雯、秦敏、梁標   1974 文志 MCLP10120 分飛燕 ●分飛燕/張寶之 ●癡情淚 ●勁草嬌花 ●太太渣車/尹光 ●契爺與大小姐/秦敏、鄭君綿 ●有苦無路訴/郭炳堅 ●襌院鐘聲/楊子 ●新禪院鐘聲/張慧 ●藝海情鴛/張慧 ●鳳閣恩仇/秦敏、梁標 ●麻雀大王/郭炳堅 ●疏星冷月/楊子 ●戲秋香/鄭君綿 ●飲多杯/尹光、白瑛、白鳳瑛、江綺媚、林婉雯、秦敏、梁標、鄭君綿 江綺媚-香江花月夜时长: 11:52播客: 爱粵曲的小妮播放: 27上传于: 2009-01-23   江成

Feb 7, 2010 2pm Benaroya Hall, Seattle, Wa.

Matinee:  Schumann's Symphony No. 3 Gerald Schwarz, conductor Seattle Symphony Ferruccio Busoni (布索尼) - Turandot (杜蘭朵) Suite The action takes place outside a city gate of Peking and inside the Emperor's palace. Turandot, is a proud, cruel Chinese princess who refuses to marry any suitors unless they can answer three impossible riddles. When they fail, she has them executed. But Calaf, Prince of Astrakhan, manages to woo her ("Turandot or death!"), answers the riddles, and wins her hand in marriage. Robert Schumann (舒曼) Orchestral works - Op. 97, Symphony No. 3 in E flat, Rhenish (1850)

Read: Aeschylus 埃斯庫羅斯 古希臘悲劇詩人

Aeschylus 埃斯庫羅斯 ( Αισχύλος , 前525年 — 前456年 ), 古希臘 悲劇詩人,與 索福克勒斯 和 歐里庇得斯 一起被稱為是古希臘最偉大的 悲劇 作家,有「悲劇之父」的美譽。 Aeschylus (pronounced /ˈɛskɨləs/ or /ˈiːskɨləs/, Greek: Αἰσχύλος, Aiskhulos, c. 525 BC/524 BC – c. 456 BC/455 BC) was an ancient Greek playwright. He is often recognized as the father of tragedy,[1][2] and is the earliest of the three Greek tragedians whose plays survive, the others being Sophocles and Euripides. According to Aristotle, he expanded the number of characters in plays to allow for conflict among them; previously, characters interacted only with the chorus. Only seven of an estimated seventy to ninety plays by Aeschylus have survived into modern times; one of these plays, Prometheus Bound, is widely thought to be the work of a later author.

Recipe: Braised Oxtails in Red Wine+++

Braised Oxtails in Red Wine This is a dish made to impress and taste good with wow factor.  It is so easy to make.  Key to success is the time in the oven for about 2.5-3 hours. Ingredients: 1 Oxtail Herbs:  Rosemary and Thymes and Bay leave Salt and Pepper 1 cup Dry Red Wine (i.e. Syrah) 1 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar Vegetables: 1 medium size Carrots dice, 1 Onion diced, 1-2 stalk of Celery dice (keep the leave) Regular Flour (light coat on both side of oxtail pieces) or Fine Flour 1 Tsp Tomato paste or 1 can of diced Tomato with juice 1/2 teaspoon Chicken Broth Mix powder 1 can/14.5oz Chicken/Beef Broth 2-3 cloves of Garlic (lightly press to break) Instructions: 1. Preheat over to 450F or 500F if available (Note: DO not use broiler setting); clean and prepare vegetables 2. Seasoned oxtail with salt generously and pepper all over and dust on a light layer of flour (optional) 3. Seared the oxtail for color with a medium-low heat pan with LC 4. Remove golden