Recipe: LC Steamed Salty Chicken 蒸鹽水雞

LC Steamed Salty Chicken

Chicken Breast 2 slices
Green Onion 1 brunch cut into 1" long pieces
Ginger 2-3 thinly slices
Cabbage (optional) 1 leaf

Cooking Wine 1 Tsp
Salt 3/4 tsp


  1. Rub seasoning all over the chicken breasts and let it seasons for 30 minutes
  2. After 30 minutes, padded dry the chicken and put chicken breasts on top of green onion and ginger slices into LC
  3. Add 1/4 cup of water into LC and cook over medium heat until the water boiled
  4. Once water is boiled, remove the residue (protein) from surface (if any)
  5. Turn to low heat and cover with lid for 7 minutes
  6. Turn off heat, do NOT open the lid and let it sit for 5-10 minutes
  7. Remove chicken breasts from LC and cut it into bite size
  8. Serve over cabbage/vegetable

Note:  For chicken tight, skip the 1/4 cup of water.  Instead, add oil slowly to heat and cook.


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