Recipe: Spinach and Wood Ear Appetizer 菠菜木耳開胃菜

Spinach and Wood Ear Appetizer

Spinach 2 hand full
Dried Wood Ear 1/2 hand full
Oil 1 tsp

Diced Garlic 3 cloves
Soy Sauce 1/2 tsp
Dark Vinegar 1/2 tsp
Salt pinch
Sugar pinch
Sesame Oil some

Wash, drain spinach
Bring a pot of water to boil and add 1 tsp of oil and spinach to cook quickly
Turn off heat and remove cooked spinach
Soak cooked spinach in ice bath to stop cooking
Drain and set spinach aside
Soak wood ear in water for approximately 15 minutes
Drain wood ear and trim woody parts if any and cut into bite size

Mix all seasoning together
Plate spinach and wood ear and add seasoning to serve


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